parkeraddison / flowpic-replication

🛜→🖼️ Replication of the model set forth in "FlowPic: Encrypted Internet Traffic Classification is as Easy as Image Recognition" by Tal Shapira and Yuval Shavitt
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cnn flowpic network-traffic-classification neural-network traffic-flow-classification

DSC180A Senior Capstone - Viasat VPN Analysis



Our goal is to predict whether or not network traffic which utilizes a VPN contains video streaming activity.


This particular approach is an implementation and slight modification of the FlowPic model introduced in FlowPic: Encrypted Internet Traffic Classification is as Easy as Image Recognition by Tal Shapira and Yuval Shavitt.

The basic premise: a short duration of network traffic is turned into a 2D histogram of Packet Size and Arrival Time. This histogram can be treated similar to an image -- a two-dimensional array with a value channel (in our case, bin density density remapped to range from 0 to 1).

The model has also been extended witha second channel containing the proportion of packets in each bin that were downloaded.


The following targets can be run by calling python <target_name>. These targets perform various aspects of the data collection, cleaning, engineering, training, and predicting pipeline.

In DSMLP, first run -i parkeraddison/capstone-dev -G B05_VPN_XRAY, then inside of the container nagivate to cd /home/jovyan/data-science-capstone.

Target collect

WIP - Hasn't been tested yet

Uses network-stats to collect your local machine's network activity for use in training. Labels must be provided.

To stop data capturing, press CTRL-C in the terminal.

Target data

Loads data from a source directory then performs cleaning and preprocessing steps on each file. Saves the preprocessed data to a intermediate directory.

See config/data-params.json for configuration: Key Description
source Path to directory containing raw data. Default: data/raw/
outdir Path to store preprocessed data. Default: data/preprocessed/
pattern Glob pattern. Only copy and preprocess data matching this pattern. Default: null
chunk_length Time offset string. To augment the data and allow the classifier to work on short durations of data, every file is split into multiple non-overlapping files of this length. Default: 60s
isolate_flow Boolean. If true, each file will be filtered so that only the most frequent pair of IPs will remain, if possible. Default: false
dominating_threshold Proportion. If isolate_flow is true and no pair of IPs has more than this proportion of communications in the file, then the file will be ignored as no dominant traffic flow could be found. Default: 0.9.

Target features

Loads all preprocessed data and computes a FlowPic for each, then saves each FlowPic to a streaming/ or browsing/ directory depending on the file's label.

See config/features-params.json for configuration: Key Description
source Path to directory containing preprocessed data. Default: data/preprocessed/
outdir Path to directory to store feature engineered data. Default: data/features/

Target train

Trains a CNN model on FlowPics and saves the model.

See config/train-params.json for configuration: Key Description
source Path to directory containing feature engineered data (this folder should contain a streaming/ and browsing/ directory. Default: data/features/
outdir Path to directory to save trained model. Default: data/out/
batch_size Batch size to use when training the model. Default: 10
epochs Number of iterations over the training data that the model should undergo. Regardless of additional epochs, the saved model will be from the iteration with the lowest validation loss and training will stop after 3 iterations without any improvement to the lowest validation loss. Default: 20
validation_size Proportion. This amount of training data will be withheld as a validation set. Default: 0.2
dimensions_to_use List of channel indices [Histogram→0, Proportion downloaded→1] to use as part of the model. Default: [0]


ssh dsmlp

# Request container with proper image and group, and two GPUs. -i parkeraddison/capstone-dev -G B05_VPN_XRAY -g 2

# Navigate to the cloned repository
cd /home/jovyan/data-science-capstone

# Check out the proper branch
git checkout flowpic

# Run the preprocessing, feature engineering, and training.
python data features train