A machine learning method that leverages read-based phasing and read-level features to accurately detect mosaic SNVs (SNPs, small indels) from NGS data. It builds on existing algorithms to achieve a multifold increase in specificity.
Please note that "${your_local_directory}:/MF" is the absolute path of your local mosaicforecast directory. After attaching your local MF directory to the docker image, you would be able to read and write from that directory in your docker image. The attached directory in the docker image would be "/MF".
wget ftp://ftp-trace.ncbi.nih.gov/1000genomes/ftp/technical/reference/phase2_reference_assembly_sequence/hs37d5.fa.gz
wget ftp://ftp-trace.ncbi.nih.gov/1000genomes/ftp/technical/reference/phase2_reference_assembly_sequence/hs37d5.fa.gz.fai
wget ftp://ftp-trace.ncbi.nih.gov/1000genomes/ftp/technical/reference/GRCh38_reference_genome/GRCh38_full_analysis_set_plus_decoy_hla.fa
wget ftp://ftp-trace.ncbi.nih.gov/1000genomes/ftp/technical/reference/GRCh38_reference_genome/GRCh38_full_analysis_set_plus_decoy_hla.fa.fai
The wigToBigWig command line below take ~30GB memory, please make sure you requires enought memory before running.
Umap score (k=24, GRCh37/hg19):
wget https://bismap.hoffmanlab.org/raw/hg19.umap.tar.gz
tar -zxvf hg19.umap.tar.gz
cd hg19
fetchChromSizes hg19> hg19.chrom.sizes
wigToBigWig <(zcat k24.umap.wg.gz) hg19.chrom.sizes k24.umap.wg.bw
Umap score (k=24, GRCh38/hg38):
wget https://bismap.hoffmanlab.org/raw/hg38.umap.tar.gz
tar -zxvf hg38.umap.tar.gz
cd hg38
fetchChromSizes hg38> hg38.chrom.sizes
wigToBigWig <(zcat k24.umap.wg.gz) hg38.chrom.sizes k24.umap.wg.bw
Segmental Duplication regions (should be removed before calling all kinds of mosaics):
wget http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/database/genomicSuperDups.txt.gz
Regions enriched for SNVs with >=3 haplotypes (should be removed before calling all kinds of mosaics):
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/parklab/MosaicForecast/master/resources/predictedhap3ormore_cluster.GRCh37.bed
Simple repeats (should be removed before calling mosaic INDELS):
wget http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/database/simpleRepeat.txt.gz
Segmental Duplication regions (should be removed before calling all kinds of mosaics):
wget http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg38/database/genomicSuperDups.txt.gz
Regions enriched for SNVs with >=3 haplotypes (should be removed before calling all kinds of mosaics):
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/parklab/MosaicForecast/master/resources/predictedhap3ormore_cluster.GRCh38.bed
Simple repeats (should be removed before calling mosaic INDELS):
wget http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg38/database/simpleRepeat.txt.gz
python Phase.py bam_dir output_dir ref_fasta input_positions min_dp_inforSNPs Umap_mappability(bigWig file,k=24) n_threads_parallel sequencing_file_format(bam/cram)
python Phase.py demo demo/phasing ${human_g1k_v37_decoy.fasta} demo/test.input 20 ${k24.umap.wg.bw} 2
sample | chr | pos | ref | alt | phasing | conflicting_reads | mappability | variant_type |
test | 12 | 52644508 | C | T | hap=3 | 0 | 1.0 | SNP |
test | 15 | 75918044 | G | A | hap=3 | 0 | 1.0 | SNP |
test | 1 | 1004865 | G | C | hap=3 | 0 | 1.0 | SNP |
test | 1 | 2591769 | AG | A | hap>3 | 1 | 0.0 | DEL |
test | 1 | 33801576 | TTTGTTG | T | hap=2 | 0 | 0.583333 | DEL |
hap=2: likely het variants
hap=3: likely mosaic variants
hap>3: likely cnv/repeat
conflicting_reads: number of read pairs supporting both ref and alt alleles.
Intermediate files:
1. output_dir/all.merged.inforSNPs.pos: all nearby inforSNPs of candidate mosaics.
2. output_dir/all_2x2table: 2x2 tables by all nearby inforSNPs.
3. output_dir/all.phasing_2by2: Phasing results of mosaics and all nearby inforSNPs (2x2 table).
4. output_dir/multiple_inforSNPs.log: Phasing results of different pairs of inforSNPs.
python ReadLevel_Features_extraction.py input.bed output_features bam_dir ref.fa Umap_mappability(bigWig file,k=24) n_jobs_parallel sequencing_file_format(bam/cram)
python ReadLevel_Features_extraction.py demo/test.input demo/test.features demo ${ref.fa} ${k24.umap.wg.bw} 2 bam
A list of read-level features for each input site.
id | dp_p | conflict_num | mappability | type | length | GCcontent | ref_softclip | alt_softclip | querypos_p | leftpos_p | seqpos_p | mapq_p | baseq_p | baseq_t | ref_baseq1b_p | ref_baseq1b_t | alt_baseq1b_p | alt_baseq1b_t | sb_p | context | major_mismatches_mean | minor_mismatches_mean | mismatches_p | AF | dp | mosaic_likelihood | het_likelihood | refhom_likelihood | althom_likelihood | mapq_difference | sb_read12_p | dp_diff |
test\~11\~40316580\~C\~T | 0.3183008162818 | 0 | 1 | SNP | 0 | 0.476190476190476 | 0.0240384615384615 | 0 | 0.1582 | 0.16521 | 0.68821 | NA | 0.91657 | -0.57364 | 0.98911 | 0.21893 | 0.67576 | -0.8528 | 0.69934 | GGA | 0.00878 | 0.0144466666666667 | 0.29396 | 0.028 | 214 | 0.999414559235067 | 3.90999117967593e-49 | 0.000585440764932926 | 0 | 0 | 0.69142 | -12.8571 |
test\~12\~52644508\~C\~T | 0.197545792452075 | 0 | 1 | SNP | 0 | 0.571428571428571 | 0.0208333333333333 | 0 | 0.19325 | 0.20057 | 0.88251 | NA | 0.11764 | -0.95448 | 0.31536 | 0.6827 | 0.31601 | 0.58756 | 0.13401 | CGC | 0.01236 | 0.0127266666666667 | 0.17424 | 0.054 | 203 | 0.999999999985368 | 5.11687178601205e-39 | 1.46319954019795e-11 | 0 | 0 | 0.36124 | -12.8571 |
1. id: uniq ID of the input candidate sites.
2. mappability: UMAP mappability score at the candidate site (k=24).
3. type: type of the candidate mutation (SNP, MNP, INS or DEL).
4. length: difference of base pair lengh of ref and alt allele for candidate sites.
5. GCcontent: 20-bp local GCcontent.
6. ref_softclip: proportion of soft-clipped reads for ref reads.
7. alt_softclip: proportion of soft-clipped reads for alt reads.
8. querypos_p: p-value or effect size by wilcoxon's rank sum test of base query positions of ref and alt alleles.
9. leftpos_p: p-value or effect size by wilcoxon's rank sum test of left-most positions of ref and alt reads.
10. seqpos_p: p-value or effect size by wilcoxon's rank sum test of base sequencing cycles of ref and alt alleles.
11. baseq_p: p-value or effect size by Wilcoxon's rank sum test of base qualities of ref and alt alleles.
12. baseq_t: The test statistic under the large-sample approximation that the rank sum statistic is normally distributed (wilcox rank sum test of base qualites of alt alleles vs. ref alleles).
13. ref_baseq1b_p: p-value or effect size by Wilcoxon's rank sum test of base qualities from ref reads at mutant position, compared with base qualities from ref reads at 1bp downtream of the mutant position.
14. ref_baseq1b_t: The test statistic under the large-sample approximation that the rank sum statistic is normally distributed (wilcox rank sum test of base qualities from ref reads at mutant position, compared with base qualities from ref reads at 1bp downtream of the mutant position).
15. alt_baseq1b_p: p-value or effect size by Wilcoxon's rank sum test of base qualities from alt reads at mutant position, compared with base qualities from alt reads at 1bp downtream of the mutant position.
16. alt_baseq1b_t: The test statistic under the large-sample approximation that the rank sum statistic is normally distributed (wilcox rank sum test of base qualities from alt reads at mutant position, compared with base qualities from alt reads at 1bp downtream of the mutant position).
17. context: three-nucleotide base context on the reads surrounding the mutant position.
18. major_mismatches_mean: average mismatches per ref reads.
19. minor_mismatches_mean: average mismatches per alt reads.
20. mismatches_p: p-value or effect size by Wilcoxon's rank sum test of mismatches per ref reads vs. mismatches per alt reads.
21. sb_p: p-value or effect size by Fisher's exact test of strand bias for ref and alt alleles.
22. sb_read12_p: p-value or effect size by Fisher's exact test of read1/read2 bias for ref and alt alleles.
23. mosaic_likelihood: mosaic genotype likelihood calculated (assuming uniform distribution of mosaics allele fraction from 0-1).
24. het_likelihood: Genotype likelihood of the variant being germline heterozygous.
25. refhom_likelihood: reference-homozygous genotype likelihood.
26. mapq_p: p-value or effect size by Wilcoxon's rank sum test of mapping qualities of ref and alt reads.
27. mapq_difference: difference of average map quality per alt reads vs. average map quality per ref reads.
28. AF: variant allele fraction.
29. dp: read depth at mutant position.
30. dp_diff: difference of average read depths of local (<200bp) and distant (>2kb) regions.
31. dp_p: p-value or effect size by Wilcoxon's rank sum test of read depths sampled within 200bp window surrounding the mutant position vs. read depths sampled in distant regions from the mutant position (>2kb).
32. conflict_num: number of read pairs supporting both ref and alt alleles.
Rscript Prediction.R input_file(feature_list) model_trained model_type(Phase|Refine) output_file(predictions)
You may use our models trained with brain WGS data for SNPs (paired-end read at 50-250X read depths, we train our models based on Mutect2-PON callings. To our experience, the models were pretty robust across different depths, but the best strategy would be using a model with similar depth with your data):
- models_trained/50xRFmodel_addRMSK_Refine.rds
- models_trained/100xRFmodel_addRMSK_Refine.rds
- models_trained/150xRFmodel_addRMSK_Refine.rds
- models_trained/200xRFmodel_addRMSK_Refine.rds
- models_trained/250xRFmodel_addRMSK_Refine.rds
We also pre-trained a model for mosaic deletions (using paired-end read at 250X, with phasing information):
- models_trained/deletions_250x.RF.rds
Rscript Prediction.R demo/test.SNP.features models_trained/250xRFmodel_addRMSK_Refine.rds Refine demo/test.SNP.predictions
Rscript Prediction.R demo/test.DEL.features models_trained/deletions_250x.RF.rds Phase demo/test.DEL.predictions
Genotype predictions for all input sites.
id | AF | dp | prediction | het | mosaic | refhom | repeat |
test\~11\~40316580\~C\~T | 0.028 | 214 | mosaic | 0.002 | 0.958 | 0 | 0.04 |
test\~12\~52644508\~C\~T | 0.054 | 203 | mosaic | 0.002 | 0.982 | 0 | 0.016 |
test\~15\~75918044\~G\~A | 0.036 | 193 | mosaic | 0.006 | 0.812 | 0 | 0.182 |
test\~1\~1004865\~G\~C | 0.085 | 212 | mosaic | 0.006 | 0.988 | 0 | 0.006 |
1. prediction: genotype predictions including refhom, het, mosaic and repeat.
2. het/mosaic/refhom/repeat: genotyping probabilities for each genotype.
Rscript Train_RFmodel.R input(trainset) output(prediction_model) type_model(Phase|Refine) type_variant(SNP|INS|DEL)
In case you don't have experimentally-evaluated sites, it's ok to manually-check ~100 hap=3 sites with igv, and mark the sites in messy regions as "repeat". Here are some examples of "hap=3" sites experimentally evaluated as "repeat":
and here are some examples of "hap=3" sites experimentally evaluated as true positive mosaics:
Rscript Train_RFmodel.R demo/trainset demo/Phase_model.rds Phase SNP
Rscript Train_RFmodel.R demo/trainset demo/Refine_model.rds Refine SNP
Rscript Train_RFmodel.R demo/deletions_trainset demo/Deletions_Refine_model.rds Phase DEL
Random Forest prediction model
Rscript PhasingRefine.R input(trainset) output1(model) output2(converted genotypes) read_length(int) pdf(plot) variant_type(SNP|INDEL)
Rscript PhasingRefine.R demo/trainset demo/model_phasingcorrection.rds demo/phasable_sites_convertedgenotypes 150 demo/phasable_sites_Refine.pdf SNP
A list of extrapolated genotypes based on Phasing, Readlevel features and orthogonal validations.
id | phase | validation | phase_model_corrected | pc1 | pc2 | pc3 | pc4 |
1465\~7\~64358306\~C\~T | hap=3 | repeat | repeat | 1.76125132511822 | -0.0974980761360579 | 0.040830632773886 | 1.76651681595286 |
1465\~2\~10704065\~T\~C | hap=3 | repeat | repeat | -0.0124184653486693 | -0.289637541460141 | -2.01395435019693 | 1.5135587692184 |
1465\~10\~42529522\~G\~C | hap=3 | NA | repeat | 0.707159292549739 | -3.91325643368487 | 1.54152147288395 | -1.10846627458624 |
1465\~7\~122592074\~G\~T | hap=3 | mosaic | mosaic | -0.104370300644773 | 2.33641117703566 | -0.0299470543274239 | 1.40486521150486 |
1465\~X\~61712742\~A\~G | hap=3 | repeat | repeat | 0.574318366975694 | 1.16511088082416 | 1.24290479319458 | 1.24880945486403 |
1465\~10\~42544320\~C\~T | hap=3 | NA | repeat | 0.544602308768669 | 1.64954352441225 | 0.28095361817584 | 0.744802179936821 |
1. phase_model_corrected: Four-category genotypes extrapolated based on phasing and read-level features.
2. pc1/pc2/pc3/pc4/pc5: the first five PCA components constructed with read-level features.
3. demo/phasable_sites_Refine.pdf: A plot showing the genotype extrapolation from phasing to 4-category genotypes.
If you have any questions please contact us:
Yanmei Dou: douyanmei@westlake.edu.cn, douyanmei@gmail.com
Peter J Park: peter_park@hms.harvard.edu