parody / flock

by 0xfafafa
15 stars 2 forks source link
2017 cluster-nodes elixir high-availability


Flock is a lightweight process registry and forgiving supervisor library for Erlang/Elixir applications.

This project is part of the SpawnFest 2017 contest, a 48hs competition so it could contain unimplemented features, surprises and/or bugs.


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding flock to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:flock, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at

How it works?

New birds are born

A flock is a group of birds and birds live in nests

Flock lets you spawn processes (birds) and decides on which node (nest) to run them based on a consistent hash mechanism (a hash ring), spreading the load over the cluster nodes and respawning those processes on the right node in case of node failures.

Bird migration

When resources are scarce birds tend to migrate

When a node joins or leaves the cluster the hash ring is rebalanced and processes are migrated to the corresponding available nodes. As a consistent hash is used, only some processes will be moved from the node. This is, the existing process are killed and restarted somewhere else in the cluster. No handoff mechanism is implemented.

Birds fly away, but they have names

If you love them set them free...

The spawned processes are NOT linked to their fathers. You can communicate with them by a required name. This name is only valid inside Flock (it is not registered on the BEAM).

Birdwatching is very popular

Can your son distinguish his pet canary from another?

Flock processes are supervised locally on the node. If a process ends abnormally, the supervisor will restart it. The newly started processed will have the same name but it will not have the same state than it's predecessor. This issue may be solved by recreating the process state from an external source of truth.

All animals are mortal, birds are animals, ergo they are mortal

Dig a hole in your back yard

When a process ends gracefully (with a :normal exit status) it is removed from the set of alive processes.

I spot a bird!

If you know the name of a bird you can call it

Flock provides call and cast much like the one in the GenServer. The request is routed to the correct node and then to your process.

Lets go hunting

If the canary is gone, get out of the mine

You can tell Flock to deliberately kill a process with stop.

One flock plus another flock makes one flock

Two flocks form a bigger flock

A big issue in distributed systems is how to react to network partitions. Flock favors availability over consistency, i.e. it stands on the AP side. If the cluster is under a split-brain situation Flock will run one instance of each process on each side of the partition. Processes created on one side of the partition will not be started on the other side. The same goes for stopping a process.

When the cluster is healed the processes from each side are merged. Afterwards, only one instance of each process is run.

A partition or a re-grouping adds/removes nodes to the cluster, so at this point the processes are rebalanced with the new cluster state.


Isn't this a hard problem to solve?

Yes, it is a very hard problem to solve, but we have relaxed some guarantees:

Hash ring

Processes are assigned to nodes using a consistent hash ring. We are using libring library to this end.

Node clustering

Flock is uses disterl for cross-node communication. Node discovery is provided by the libcluster library also by bitwalker so double thanks to him.


A CRDT is used to keep track of alive processes. The CRDT allows to locally merge the alive processes information of a partition and converge to a consistent result avoiding the need for consensus. Flock uses an Add-Wins Observed/Removed set. The current implementation is a Home-baked less-than-ideal state-based AWORSet.

Test it!

Testing Flock is easy. You need to have Elixir 1.5.2 installed on your system. We provide an example Makefile to test it.

You will have to open as many terminal sessions as nodes you want to test.

In our case we will try it running:

For calling those processes you can run make call which will call the local and remote processes and tell where they are running.

And example output for num=10 is:

19:21:33.165 [debug] bird bird:1 replied :"node1@"
19:21:33.170 [debug] bird bird:2 replied :"node2@"
19:21:33.175 [debug] bird bird:3 replied :"test@"
19:21:33.175 [debug] bird bird:4 replied :"node1@"
19:21:33.175 [debug] bird bird:5 replied :"node2@"
19:21:33.179 [debug] bird bird:6 replied :"node3@"
19:21:33.179 [debug] bird bird:7 replied :"node2@"
19:21:33.179 [debug] bird bird:8 replied :"test@"
19:21:33.179 [debug] bird bird:9 replied :"node1@"
19:21:33.184 [debug] bird bird:10 replied :"call@"

You can close any of the terminals and you should see the processes that were running there being spawned on some other node.

The node reports basic statistics like node node3@ has 20.0 % of the load (2 out of 10).

The example processes (MyBird) chirp every 10 seconds showing a message to keep track of where they are running like:

19:26:01.561 [info]  bird bird:6 running on node node3@


Flock is GenServer-friendly, you can start/call/cast/stop any GenServer without any change. Supose you have a GenServer:

defmodule MyBird do
  use GenServer

  require Logger

  def start_link(args),
    do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args, [])

  def init(name) do
    Process.send_after(self(), :chirp, 10_000)
    {:ok, name}

  def handle_call(:ping, _from, s) do
    {:reply, :pong, s}

  def handle_cast({:please_reply_me, pid, msg}, s) do
    send(pid, msg)
    {:noreply, s}
  def handle_cast(:byebye, s) do
    {:stop, :normal, s}

  def handle_info(:chirp, name) do"bird #{name} running on node #{node()}")
    Process.send_after(self(), :chirp, 10_000)
    {:noreply, name}

you can spawn on process by doing:

:ok = Flock.start({MyBird, ["Tweety"], "Tweety"})

This will start that process on some node after some time (eventually consistency rocks).

Then you can call that process by name like:

:pong ="Tweety", :ping)

If the process ends abnormally it will be restarted by the local or remote supervisor. If the process ends normally it will be removed from the set of alive processes.

When should I use it?

Is Flock the same than using a Supervisor? NO, we do not provide the same guarantees, processes are not linked to their fathers therefore spawned processes can be re-started (due to balancing or errors) without the father even knowing about it. This implies that if the processes are stateful, they must re-create that state from an external source.

Our use case for Flock is the following: We have users connecting and disconnecting to our system. When a user connects, a new process is spawned that is in charge of streaming information to that user (a ticker for example). Those processes are pretty much independet of each other and from the process that spawned them.

First, we want to balance those processes over a (small) number of nodes. This is provided by the hash ring.

Second if a node goes down we want to keep streaming data to connected users from another node. The process state is re-built from an external database.

Third, having Flock lets us dinamically add or remove nodes depending on the load of the system and also to do software upgrade node by node.


Complete (not really) documentation of the code can be viewed on []


About the team

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