parsiya / borrowedtime

Borrowed Time is a project and note management tool.
Apache License 2.0
5 stars 1 forks source link
go notes project-management

Borrowed Time

Borrowed time is my personal project management application. As a security consultant, I switched projects every week or two. This tool helps automate some tasks such as project structure creation.

It's named after a discipline priest spell in World of Warcraft:

Note: Borrowed Time is under heavy development. The API of sub-packages and prompter might be modified.


main command

Operating System Support

Borrowed Time is mainly developed and used on Windows. Currently, only Windows is supported. However, no OS dependent libraries are in use so default editors/locations/paths can be added for other Operating Systems.


  1. go get
  2. go run main.go or go build to build the program.


Borrowed Time directly uses the following packages:


Execute Borrowed Time and run the Deploy command. Press Tab to see options at any time. It creates a directory named borrowedtime in your home directory and opens the configuration file in the default editor in your OS. Home is based on go-homedir. Home on Windows is C:\Users\[your-user]\.

│   config.json
    │       git-config.toml
    │       project-config.json

Configuration File

Borrowed Time uses a configuration file to persist settings. It's a plaintext JSON file. New entries can be added manually. These can be used in file/project templates. A sample configuration file on Windows:

    "burppath": "",
    "editor": "C:/Program Files/Microsoft VS Code/Code.exe",
    "projectstructure": "project-structure",
    "workspace": "C:/Users/Parsia/Desktop/projects",
    "yourname": ""


Borrowed Time has a few different commands.


deploy installs Borrowed Time (creates the config file and the directory structure) and opens the configuration file with the default editor (notepad on Windows). The config file is pre-populated with some values (e.g. VSCode as editor on Windows). Modify the config file to point to your editor and your desired project root directory.


The project root directory is where all project directories are created.


The config subcommand is used to manipulate the configuration. For example, config edit opens the configuration file in the editor set in the config file.

config command

backup and restore commands


project command creates and edits projects created inside the workspace set in the config file. Each project is a separate directory. Borrowed Time supports automatically creating projects and files inside them using a JSON template file. See Project Templates below.

list prints a list of all top-level directories inside workspace.

project list

create creates a new project inside the workspace with an optional file containing the project structure and overwrite (false by default). Then opens the project. First value after create is the project name.


Note: overwrite does not delete the previous project directory. Existing files that are not in the new template are not touched. Only files that are in both templates are overwritten.

Note about project names with spaces:

open opens a project with the editor (if the editor supports opening directories). The path to the project is passed to the editor as an argument.

project open


Borrowed Time can customize project structure and generated files with templates. To edit templates use the config edit command to open the config directory in the default editor.

Project Templates

Project templates are JSON files in the following structure. They use the Go template engine.

Project templates should be stored under the templates/project directory.

Note the children's path is relative to their parent. The tool is not looking for full paths for children.

    "path": "{{ .Workspace }}/{{ .ProjectName }}",
    "info": {
        "isdir": true,
        "template": ""
    "children": [
            "path": ".config.json",
            "info": {
                "isdir": false,
                "template": "project-config"
            "children": []
            "path": "",
            "info": {
                "isdir": false,
                "template": "notes"
            "children": []
            "path": "@pix",
            "info": {
                "isdir": true,
                "template": ""
            "children": []

As you can see, each file can have its own individual template (see below for file templates). The value of template is ignored for directories.

File Templates

File templates are text files. They can contain similar placeholders based on the template engine. For example, the notes template is:

# {{ .ProjectName }} Notes


File templates should be stored under the templates/file directory.

Modifying Templates

File templates can be modified directly. Add new directories, files, and assign file templates at you see fit. New templates can be added manually by dropping them into the templates directory or more conveniently using the config edit command that opens the config directory in the editor.

You can use sub-directories to manage templates but each template name must be unique deployment wide. This means you cannot have two files named inside the templates directory in different sub-directories. Extensions are also ignored meaning you cannot have both and notes.json.

If you have duplicate template names, it will cause undefined behavior.

The template is addressed by the name of the file containing it without the extension. You can choose any extension.

Custom Fields in File Templates

It's possible to add custom items to the configuration file and use them in the file templates without rebuilding the application. The project struct has a field named Config that is populated with a map of key/values from the configuration file.

  1. Add a new key to the config file. For example, "customkey": "value".
  2. Inside the file template, add: {{ index .Config "customkey" }}. Keys are case-sensitive. Use only use lowercase keys for simplicity.
  3. The placeholder will be replaced by the value of customkey from the configuration file.

Personally, I am very proud of how this part turned out.

Data Files

Data files are located in the data directory and are free-format. They can be used to incorporate data into your templates. To edit the data files, run config edit to open the configuration directory in your editor.There used to be a data command but it has been removed.


Opensourced under the Apache License v 2.0 license. See LICENSE for details.


Now in Github issues.

  1. ~~Change error message in all unexported functions and remove module name. Only leave the error message?~~ Issue #12.
  2. Add edit command to template and data files.
  3. Update docs after prompter is released.
  4. Create gifs of some commands.
  5. Explain all commands.
  6. Add generation of Burp project based on a base Burp configuration file. Issue #13
    • ~~Research and add custom generation of Burp config files based on project using name, credentials, etc.~~
  7. Add dep support.