partigabor / read-aloud

A rudimentary text-to-speech engine for reading PDF files aloud in English
4 stars 3 forks source link
pdf pdf-reader python read-aloud text-to-speech voice-engine


This is a rudimentary attempt to create a simple PDF reader using free and open source components. By "reader" I mean reading aloud using a text-to-speech engine (TTS).


1. Installation

Install requirements, you will need PyPDF2, a PDF to text converter and pyttsx3, a text-to-speach engine (among a few other basic data management packages).

pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Run

The terminal will ask you five questions about the voice and speed preference, the path and the filename, and whether you want to continue on a specific page. You can just hit enter at each prompt to choose the defaults (will choose first pdf alphabetically in the current folder). I have no way of pausing or stopping the reader at the moment, this was made for fun in the course of one Saturday.

Use to skip all options and just start reading the first pdf in the same directory as the python file.