partiusfabaa / cs2-ranks

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Player Ranking

Each player is assigned a rank based on their accumulated experience points. Ranks range from "None" to the prestigious "The Global Elite."

Experience Points

Players earn experience points for various in-game achievements, such as kills, assists, and MVP awards. Experience contributes to both their rank and overall score.

Level Progression

Players progress through levels based on their experience points. Level achievements are announced in the chat, providing recognition for their dedication and skill.

Events and Rewards

The plugin tracks events like round victories, defeats, and MVP awards, awarding or deducting experience points accordingly.

Database Integration

Player statistics are stored in a MySQL database, allowing for persistent tracking of player progress even after disconnecting.

Top Players List

Players can check the top-ranking players on the server, including their rank, experience points, and kill/death ratio.

Command for Configuration Reload

Server administrators can reload the plugin configuration on-the-fly using the css_lr_reload console command.

Customizable Configuration

Server administrators can fine-tune the plugin's behavior, including experience point rewards for specific events, minimum player count for XP gain, and more.


  1. Install CounterStrike Sharp and Metamod:Source
  2. Download Ranks
  3. Unzip the archive and upload it to the game server


Command Description
css_lr_reload reloads the configuration (server console only)
css_lvl or !lvl opens a menu where you can view all ranks
css_top or !top or top displaying the top 10 players in chat
css_rank or !rank or rank chat statistics display
css_lr_giveexp <username or #userid> [exp (def. 0)] (@css/root) allows you to give the player experience
css_lr_takeexp <username or #userid> [exp (def. 0)] (@css/root) allows you to take away a player experience
css_lr_enabled 1/0 allows you to disable ranks (useful for minigame servers) (ONLY SERVER CONSOLE) you can put it in the cfg





You get extra experience for killing with this weapon (you can add your own weapons without weapon_)

Database connection

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