This project is a monorepo (or an aggregation of mini-projects). Just navigate the directories!
The primary goal is to create the easiest and quickest docker stack available around the Docker Swarm ecosystem. I wished I had this when I started (while back when docker-compose was called fig).
I hope the community will use this repo as a base project to demo other stuff like CMS, Log, Monitoring, Volume and Storage, Dbs, Benchmark tools and other cool applications we love to use in Docker.
To accomplish this, we use the power of :
The power of communities pull request and forks means that 1 + 1 = 3
. Help me make this repo a better one!
git checkout -b my-new-feature
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
git push origin my-new-feature
Need help? Check this post: Contributing to our Github project. Also, by contributing you agree to the Contributor Code of Conduct on GitHub.
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P.S. As you might see, I’m not a native English speaker. If something sounds funny, please let me know. Just open an issue. Thank you!