pascalbenschopTU / WDM_project

Web-Scale Data Management Project
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Web-scale Data Management Project

Consistent, but not so fast

Important files



Project structure

Deployment types:

docker-compose (local development)

First run docker-compose up --build to get all the web services running, then run to initialize the sharding of the payment database. You only need to run the setup script once.

Requirements: You need to have docker and docker-compose installed on your machine.

minikube (local k8s cluster)

Run the following bash script to set up a local cluster:



Run the following commands to set up a local cluster:

minikube start --memory 6500 --cpus 6

Install ingress via helm

helm install -f helm-config/nginx-helm-values.yaml nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx

Wait for the ingress to be ready, repeat kubectl get pods until all ready 1/1.`

If helm cannot find ingress-nginx: helm repo add ingress-nginx

Apply the k8s scripts

kubectl apply -f .\k8s\

Again, wait for the containers to be ready, repeat kubectl get pods until all ready 1/1.`

Then run database setup for mongo shards, and when finished start the tunnel

minikube tunnel

The application should now be avaibable on localhost. You can reach it by using curl:


curl -i -X POST http://localhost/payment/create_user

Requirements: You need to have minikube (with ingress enabled) and helm installed on your machine.

kubernetes cluster (managed k8s cluster in the cloud)

Similarly to the minikube deployment but run the in the helm step to also install an ingress to the cluster.

Requirements: You need to have access to kubectl of a k8s cluster.