pasqualerossi / 42-School-Exam-Rank-02

First 42 School Exam
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Exam Details

:one: Level 1

Can be any of the 12 Functions/Programs Below:

1. [first_word]( 2. [fizzbuzz]( 3. [ft_strcpy]( 4. [ft_strlen]( 5. [ft_swap]( 6. [putstr]( 7. [repeat_alpha]( 8. [rev_print]( 9. [rot_13]( 10. [rotone]( 11. [search_and_replace]( 12. [ulstr](

:two: Level 2

Can be any of the 20 Functions/Programs Below:

1. [alpha_mirror]( 2. [camel_to_snake]( 3. [do_op]( 4. [ft_atoi]( 5. [ft_strcmp]( 6. [ft_strcspn]( 7. [ft_strdup]( 8. [ft_strpbrk]( 9. [ft_strrev]( 10. [ft_strspn]( 11. [inter]( 12. [is_power_of_2]( 13. [last_word]( 14. [max]( 15. [print_bits]( 16. [reverse_bits]( 17. [snake_to_camel]( 18. [swap_bits]( 19. [union]( 20. [wdmatch](

:three: Level 3

Can be any of the 15 Functions/Programs Below:

1. [add_prime_sum]( 2. [epur_str]( 3. [expand_str]( 4. [ft_atoi_base]( 5. [ft_list_size]( 6. [ft_range]( 7. [ft_rrange]( 8. [hidenp]( 9. [lcm]( 10. [paramsum]( 11. [pgcd]( 12. [print_hex]( 13. [rstr_capitalizer]( 14. [str_capitalizer]( 15. [tab_mult](

:four: Level 4

Can be any of the 10 Functions/Programs Below:

1. [flood_fill]( 2. [fprime]( 3. [ft_itoa]( 4. [ft_list_foreach]( 5. [ft_list_remove_if]( 6. [ft_split]( 7. [rev_wstr]( 8. [rostring]( 9. [sort_int_tab]( 10. [sort_list](

Exam Setup

Login Details

:one: Login With The Following:

login -> exam
password -> exam

:two: In ITerm:

Type examshell in terminal

:three: Your 42 Intra Account:

login -> your 42 intra username (eg. prossi)
pasword -> your password

:four: Your 42 Intra Photo:

Allow photo check

:five: Access Rendu:

Type 'y' or 'yes'

:six: In the Exam Shell, You Have Only The Following 3 Commands:

- status - check the time and other things
- grademe - checking pushed exercise (moulinet)
- finish - closing examshell and finish exam

:seven: Open a new iTerm or VSCode:

- You can find your exam subject in the directory subject
- Then you can see directory Rendu. It is your repository.
- You must create a folder named by the project and start working in that folder.

Submission Details

When you are ready to sumbit your function/program, go into Rendu and push the folder you created by doing the following:

:one: git add <folder name/files in folder>

:two: git status

:three: git commit -m "any commit message you like in these strings"

:four: git push

:five: After you git push, type grademe in the examshell for your project to be evaluated.

Exam IDE

[!NOTE] You should be able to use both VSCode and Vim in the exam.

My Skills

Exam Practice Tool

Link To The Tool