NSError? domain: "NEVPNConnectionErrorDomainPlugin" - code: 7
"NSLocalizedDescription" : "The VPN session failed because an internal error occurred."
Client configuration is the following:
remote x.x.x.x
port 1194
proto udp
dev tun0
remote-cert-tls server
cipher AES-256-CBC
auth SHA256
key-direction 1
redirect-gateway def1
keepalive 20 240
tun-mtu 1350
I appreciate keeshux that made the tunnelkit project. This project help me so much for understanding OpenVPN.
This project is good and helpful.
I downloaded tunnelkit project and I modified some codes in demo mac app.
After running connect(), error appears again and again.
I tried to solve the errors but I can't. I hope that keeshux and someone help me.
And then I want to talk directly with keeshux on tunnelkit project.
The following is my connect function.
// where ovpnCfg is the URL to the config file
func connectWithOVPN(conf ovpnCfg: URL)
do {
let conf = try OpenVPN.ConfigurationParser.parsed(fromURL: ovpnCfg,passphrase:"12345")
let ovpnConf = conf.configuration // OpenVPN.Configuration
var builder = ovpnConf.builder()
builder.usesPIAPatches = false
builder.renegotiatesAfter = nil
let customConfiguration = builder.build()
cfg = OpenVPN.ProviderConfiguration("PcxfVPN.OpenVPN",
appGroup: appGroup,
configuration: customConfiguration)
let credentials = OpenVPN.Credentials("user", "12345")
cfg?.username = credentials.username
let passwordReference: Data
do {
passwordReference = try keychain.set(password: credentials.password, for: credentials.username, context: tunnelIdentifier)
} catch {
print("Keychain failure: \(error)")
Logger.log(path:textPath.stringValue, "Keychain failure: \(error)")
textLog.string = textLog.string + "Keychain failure: \(error) \r\n"
Task {
var extra = NetworkExtensionExtra()
extra.passwordReference = passwordReference
try await vpn.reconnect(tunnelIdentifier,
configuration: cfg!, // needs to be NetworkExtensionConfiguration
extra: extra,
after: .seconds(2))
} catch (let error) {
print("**** The error is \(error.localizedDescription)")
NSError? domain: "NEVPNConnectionErrorDomainPlugin" - code: 7 "NSLocalizedDescription" : "The VPN session failed because an internal error occurred."
Client configuration is the following: tls-client remote x.x.x.x port 1194 proto udp dev tun0 remote-cert-tls server cipher AES-256-CBC auth SHA256 comp-lzo key-direction 1 redirect-gateway def1 keepalive 20 240 tun-mtu 1350
I appreciate keeshux that made the tunnelkit project. This project help me so much for understanding OpenVPN. This project is good and helpful. I downloaded tunnelkit project and I modified some codes in demo mac app. After running connect(), error appears again and again. I tried to solve the errors but I can't. I hope that keeshux and someone help me. And then I want to talk directly with keeshux on tunnelkit project. The following is my connect function.
// where ovpnCfg is the URL to the config file func connectWithOVPN(conf ovpnCfg: URL) {