passepartoutvpn / tunnelkit

VPN client library for Apple platforms.
GNU General Public License v3.0
10 stars 10 forks source link
appletv ios mac-catalyst macos network-extension openvpn openvpn-client osx ovpn tunnel tunnelkit vpn wireguard

iOS 15+ macOS 12+ tvOS 17+ License GPLv3

Unit Tests Release


This library provides a generic framework for VPN development on Apple platforms.


TunnelKit comes with a simplified Swift/Obj-C implementation of the OpenVPN® protocol, whose crypto layer is built on top of OpenSSL 3.2.0.

The client is known to work with OpenVPN® 2.3+ servers.

The library therefore supports compression framing, just not newer compression. Remember to match server-side compression and framing, otherwise the client will shut down with an error. E.g. if server has comp-lzo no, client must use compressionFraming = .compLZO.

Support for .ovpn configuration

TunnelKit can parse .ovpn configuration files. Below are a few details worth mentioning.




Many other flags are ignored too but it's normally not an issue.


TunnelKit offers a user-friendly API to the modern WireGuard® protocol.

Manual Xcode steps

If you add any TunnelKitWireGuard* Swift package to the "Link with binary libraries" section of your app or tunnel extension, you are bound to hit this error:

ld: library not found for -lwg-go

because part of the WireGuardKit package is based on make, which SwiftPM doesn't support yet.

Therefore, make sure to follow the steps below for proper integration:



It's highly recommended to use the Git package provided by Homebrew.


Make sure to set "Enable Bitcode" (iOS) to NO, otherwise the library would not be able to link OpenSSL (OpenVPN) and the wg-go bridge (WireGuard).

Recent versions of Xcode (latest is 13.1) have an issue where the "Frameworks" directory is replicated inside application extensions. This is not a blocker during development, but will prevent your archive from being validated against App Store Connect due to the following error:

ERROR ITMS-90206: "Invalid Bundle. The bundle at '*.appex' contains disallowed file 'Frameworks'."

You will need to add a "Run Script" phase to your main app target where you manually remove the offending folder, i.e.:

rm -rf "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${PLUGINS_FOLDER_PATH}/YourTunnelTarget.appex/Frameworks"

for iOS and:

rm -rf "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${PLUGINS_FOLDER_PATH}/YourTunnelTarget.appex/Contents/Frameworks"

for macOS.


Download the library codebase locally:

$ git clone

There are demo targets containing a simple app for testing the tunnels. Open Demo/TunnelKit.xcodeproject in Xcode and run it.

For the VPN to work properly, the demo requires:

both in the main app and the tunnel extension targets.

In order to test connectivity in your own environment, modify the file Demo/Demo/Configuration.swift to match your VPN server parameters.


private let ca = CryptoContainer(pem: """

Make sure to also update the following constants in the *ViewController.swift files, according to your developer account and your target bundle identifiers:

private let appGroup = "..."
private let tunnelIdentifier = "..."

Remember that the App Group on macOS requires a team ID prefix.


The library is split into several modules, in order to decouple the low-level protocol implementation from the platform-specific bridging, namely the NetworkExtension VPN framework.

Full documentation of the public interface is available and can be generated by opening the package in Xcode and running "Build Documentation" (Xcode 13).


This component includes convenient classes to control the VPN tunnel from your app without the NetworkExtension headaches. Have a look at VPN implementations:


Provides the entities to interact with the OpenVPN tunnel.


Contains the NEPacketTunnelProvider implementation of a OpenVPN tunnel.


Provides the entities to interact with the WireGuard tunnel.


Contains the NEPacketTunnelProvider implementation of a WireGuard tunnel.


Copyright (c) 2024 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved.

Part I

This project is licensed under the GPLv3.

Part II

As seen in libsignal-protocol-c:

Additional Permissions For Submission to Apple App Store: Provided that you are otherwise in compliance with the GPLv3 for each covered work you convey (including without limitation making the Corresponding Source available in compliance with Section 6 of the GPLv3), the Author also grants you the additional permission to convey through the Apple App Store non-source executable versions of the Program as incorporated into each applicable covered work as Executable Versions only under the Mozilla Public License version 2.0 (

Part III

Part I and II do not apply to the LZO library, which remains licensed under the terms of the GPLv2+.


By contributing to this project you are agreeing to the terms stated in the Contributor License Agreement (CLA).

For more details please see CONTRIBUTING.

Other licenses

A custom TunnelKit license, e.g. for use in proprietary software, may be negotiated on request.



© Copyright 2022 OpenVPN | OpenVPN is a registered trademark of OpenVPN, Inc.


© Copyright 2015-2022 Jason A. Donenfeld. All Rights Reserved. "WireGuard" and the "WireGuard" logo are registered trademarks of Jason A. Donenfeld.


This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (


Twitter: @keeshux
