pat-laugh / websson-libraries

Libraries related to the WebSSON language
MIT License
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WebSSON Libraries

This is a set of libraries related to the WebSSON language:

Both the parser and serializer depend on the utils and structures libraries.

The other libraries are:

See the README files in each library for more information.

The directory tests contains functional tests for the Parser and the Serializer.

This README will contain information about the libraries and short information about the language itself. In-depth documentation is available.


External libraries

All libraries except structures require the library various.

The parser uses the curl library to fetch web documents. If you use Linux or Mac, it's possibly already installed; otherwise it's pretty easy to install. In Windows, it's a lot more complicated... You can disable parsing the WebSSON feature (imports) that requires that. See the parser's README for more information.


Most of the project was done using Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. If you have that installed, you can clone the project, then open the solution file websson-libraries.

For each project that requires files from another project, go in their properties, and then in the tab Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> General. For "Additional Include Directories", add the value $(SolutionDir) (values are separated by semi-colons). The parser also requires the directory of the curl library's header files if imports are not disabled. The location of the library various also needs to be added like this.

Cloning the library's repository in the same directory as this Solution can be useful: you can then add the value $(SolutionDir)\..\various-cpp to the include directories.

The projects that produce an executable must be linked. If the curl library is used, in the properties of the tests project, go to the tab Configuration Properties -> Linker -> General, and for "Additional Library Directories", add the directory of the curl library. Then go to the tab Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input, and for "Additional Dependencies", add the name of the curl library (possibly libcurl_a.lib).

For the library various, its path can be something like $(SolutionDir)\..\various-cpp\Debug. Its name is various.lib.

If you have linker errors, make sure that the solution build targets the same platform as the library (for instance, 32-bit with 32-bit).

Linux and Mac

I only tried compiling with GCC. The Makefile in the tests directory can compile the whole project. It assumes the curl include files and library are in a location that the compiler and linker check by default.

For the library various, you can make a symbolic link to it.

The language

This is a short introduction to WebSSON. I'll make comparisons with JSON since that's probably well-known by anybody reading this.

WebSSON allows the same structures as JSON, and more, except an object is called a dictionary and an array is called a list.

The syntax is similar. However, keys in dictionaries don't require quotes, and assignment is usually done using the equal sign rather than a colon. The colon actually represents a line-string, a string that ends at a newline or a comma (a separator). The behavior isn't exactly like this, but this is a good summary.

Comments are allowed. // is a line comment and /*...*/ a multiline comment.

An "object" in JSON...

    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe"

is equivalent to a "dictionary" WebSSON:

    firstName: John
    lastName: Doe

An "array" in JSON...


is equivalent to a "list" in WebSSON:


The cool thing in WebSSON is using entities alongside templates and tuples. (Entities could be considered as variables, but all constants. In XML, the word entity is used, so I thought this was a better name.)

A tuple is a structure that could be considered like the mix of a dictionary and a list. Its values can be accessed by name (if they have a key associated with them) and index. It's mostly useful when used with a template.

A template basically sets up keys that must be given values by a tuple associated with the template.

Instead of doing...

    firstName: John
    lastName: Doe
    age = 38

you could do:

person<firstName, lastName, age>

Entities allow to avoid duplication. There are two types of entities: abstract and concrete. Basically, a concrete entity stores a value that is intended to be manipulated by a program using the data in the document. It could be said that abstract entities provide support and that only the parser and serializer should really have to deal with them — at least when consuming the data.

For the last example, an entity could have been declared as such:

!Person<firstName, lastName, age>

This is an abstract entity that represents a template head, the head part of a template. It can be completed by a template body, which is a tuple. The above example can become:

person = Person(:John, :Doe, 38)

Finally, I leave a more complex example.

This in JSON...

    "person1": {
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "age": 38,
        "numbers": {
            "home": "890 456-7123",
            "work": "890 357-1246",
            "cell": null
    "person2": {
        "firstName": "Jane",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "age": 38,
        "numbers": {
            "home": "733 435-0187",
            "work": "733 853-7211",
            "cell": "629 457-3173"

is equivalent to this in WebSSON:

!Numbers<home=null, work=null, cell=null>
!Person<firstName, lastName, age, <^Numbers>numbers>

person1 = Person(:John, :Doe, 38, ::(890 456-7123, 890 357-1246))
person2 = Person(:Jane, :Doe, 38, ::(733 435-0187, 733 853-7211, 629 457-3173))