pat-rogers / Ada-202x-WG9-Informal-Review

This is the place for WG 9 members to submit informal comments on the 202x source document. (This is not the formal ballot that WG 9 will hold later in the process.)
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This is the place for WG 9 members to submit informal comments on the 202x source document. (This is not the formal ballot that WG 9 will hold later in the process.)

We are requesting the following kinds of comments:

We are using the "Issues" interface to submit comments. Individual comments are to be submitted as individual issues, one comment per Issue, with a title indicating the relevant RM paragraph number and comment topic.

NOTE : You will need a GitHub account to submit initial comments (issues) and to discuss them. Accounts are easy to set up and cost-free. If you don't already have an account, go to in your favorite browser, press the "Sign up" (not "Sign in") button at the far right, and then fill out the requested fields. Don't select anything that isn't free.

When To Submit

The window for submitting comments opened 29 March and closes 21 May 2021. Please don't wait until the last minute to submit so that your comments can be adequately addressed.

How To Submit

To submit a new comment, first log in to your account if you've not already done so. Next, locate the "Issues" tab in the upper left of the page, between the "<> Code" tab and the "Pull requests" tab. Press the "Issues" tab.

A new page will be shown, listing all the open issues (comments).

At the far right on the page is a green button with the label "New issue" inside it. Press that button.

The page content will change to present an interface for entering the title and text of your comment.

In the "Title" pane, enter the subject RM paragraph number followed by a brief descriptive topic. The description will help distinguish among comments about the same RM paragraph.

Below the Title pane is the large text pane with a tab labeled "Write", with "Leave a comment" as a gray prompt indicating that the text of your comment goes there. Enter the text of the comment about the paragraph number referenced in the title.

Editing is supported within the text box. You can use the formatting toolbar just above the large text pane containing your comment text. To see the effect, click on the "Preview" tab.

When ready, press the green "Submit new issue" button at the lower right.

Note that you can use an external text editor to create the text of your comment, if preferred, and then copy the text from there into the issue's "Write" text pane.

That's it!

How To Discuss Previously-Submitted Comments

Once an "issue" is in place at the GitHub project, you can discuss it by adding a GitHub comment on it, and reply to comments, and so on.

Please use this mechanism, rather than the WG 9 list, for discussions since they will be tracked. And you'll get notifications whenever an issue is commented upon or changed.

To do so, use the "Issues" tab to select the issue in question. To select one, just click on the desired entry's title in the list of all issues. As you move the mouse cursor over the list of issues, individual entries will turn blue when that one is active for selection.

Selecting one will open a page specific to that issue. Below the last comment on that issue will be a new text box. You may need to scroll down to see it. Enter your reply to the issue, or to any previous reply on that issue, using that text box. Then press the green "Comment" button to the lower right.

Reviewer Assignments