See branch 2.4 for Silverstripe 2.4.x
Current version on master is developed for SilverStripe 3.0 and above
You'll need an API key for this module.
You can request one there
You can then use _ss_environment.php to set up your API credentials, or in mysite/_config.php. For example :
NZPostRateFinderAPIGateway::$api_key = '458d1f70-59aa-042e-06b2-000c32c44ac0';
You'll probably want to only present a subset of the available products returned by the API. For example, you might want to only offer bubble wrapped packaging products, or exclude couriered deliveries This can be done in mysite by adding a YML config file in the _config folder. For example:
packaging: flat, bubble
priority: parcel_post_tracked
Possible values:
The API lets you fetch the shipping rates for domestic and international shipping. In either case, you need to prepare the request object. If you have to deliver a box with the minimum dimensions as below:
You can then use the following
$NZPostRateFinderRequest = new NZPostRateFinderRequestDomestic(170, 150, 120, 1.5, 6011);
$NZPostRateFinderRequest->format = "json";
$NZPostRateFinderRequest = new NZPostRateFinderRequestIntl(170, 150, 120, 1.5, 'AU');
$NZPostRateFinderRequest->format = "json";
$NZPostRateFinderRequest->format = "2";
To get a list of shipping products in a dropdown field:
$manager = new NZPostRateFinderAPIManager();
$products = $manager->getShippingProducts($NZPostRateFinderRequest);
foreach($products as $product){
$carrierProductsMap[$product->getUID()] = $product->getDescription() . ' (' . $product->getPrice() . ')';
new DropdownField('ShippingProductUID', _t('ShippingOption'), $carrierProductsMap)