patflick / psac

Parallel Suffix Array, LCP Array, and Suffix Tree Construction
Apache License 2.0
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Parallel Suffix Array and Tree Construction

Build Status Build Status Test Coverage Apache 2.0 License DOI

This library implements a distributed-memory parallel algorithm for the construction of suffix arrays, LCP arrays, and suffix trees. The algorithm is implemented in C++11 and MPI.

The algorithms implemented by this codebase are described in the following peer-reviewed publications. Please cite these papers, when using our code for academic purposes:

Flick, Patrick, and Srinivas Aluru. "Parallel distributed memory construction of suffix and longest common prefix arrays." Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, ACM, 2015.

Flick, Patrick, and Srinivas Aluru. "Parallel Construction of Suffix Trees and the All-Nearest-Smaller-Values Problem." 2017 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), IEEE, 2017.

Flick, Patrick, and Srinivas Aluru. "Distributed Enhanced Suffix Arrays: Efficient Algorithms for Construction and Querying." Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, ACM, 2019. paper-accepted

Code organization



To compile the executables and tests via cmake run the following:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../


After compiling, there will a multiple binaries available in the build/bin folder. Running --help on them will give more detailed usage information. Here's a short overview over the different binaries and their function:

Example: Creating Suffix Array for an example file

The psac executable can be used to create the Suffix Array and LCP array and save them as binary output files.

This small example shows how to do so:

cd build/bin

# create example input file with string S=mississippi
printf "mississippi" > text.txt

# in parallel, create suffix array for text.txt
# with options: 
#    -f text.txt: sets the input file
#    -l: create LCP array alongside Suffix Array
#    -c: run correctness test
#    -o text.idx: sets basename for binary output files text.idx.sa64 & text.idx.lcp64
mpirun -np 4 ./psac -l -c -f text.txt -o text.idx

# verify output with ./print64
./print64 text.idx.sa64

The last command outputs the suffix array for string S=mississippi in decimal format:



Our code is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE). The licensing does not apply to the ext folder, which contains external dependencies which are under their own licensing terms.