patrickmineault / vid2slides

Extract slides from video
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vid2slides is a utility to extract slides from videos. It can extract slides taken from videos posted to YouTube, recorded from Zoom, Google Meet, etc. It integrates OCR functionality to recognize what's inside the slides. You can use it to:


This gif was generated by applying vid2slides to this video.


This PDF was generated for the same video.

This list of timings was generated for the same video


video-to-slides requires command line utils that only work on Unix (Linux/Mac). Installation via conda:


cd into the vid2slides directory, and run:

python input_vid output_json

The result is an output json file that contains info about slides extract from the video.

Use the resulting json file to create a YouTube playlist, or use one of the two utils for create a PDF, GIF or chapter listing for YouTube:

How it works