patrickschu / textgrid-convert

textgrid-convert converts audio transcripts such as sbv or srt files to Praat and DARLA compatible TextGrids.
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textgrid-convert converts audio transcripts such as sbv or srt files to Praat and DARLA compatible TextGrids.

1. Install

Run pip install textgrid-convert. This requires Python 3.

The CI tests run on 3.7 (MacOS) and 3.7 + 3.8 (Win, Ubuntu). However, any Python 3+ version with NumPy and Pandas installed should work.

2. Use

You can run run the from the command line or as a regular library from a Python script: import textgrid_convert.

2.1. Use in Python script


2.1. Use from command line

python -m textgrid_convert [input-file] [options] …

python -m textgrid_convert --help will display a help file.

Required arguments

input-files or a input-folder have to be specified using the -i flag.

python -m textgrid_convert -i
python -m textgrid_convert -i patrick/transcription_folder

For output to a file, use the optional -o option:

python -m textgrid_convert -i -o transcription.TextGrid 

Specifying formats

The format of the input and output files can be specified explicitly. The input format can be specified using the -f/--from option, the output format using the -t/--to option.

Thus, to convert interview.sbv from SBV to Praat TextGrid, you could type:

python -m textgrid_convert -i interview.sbv -f sbv -t TextGrid

If the input or output format is not specified explicitly, textgrid-convert will guess based on the extensions of the filenames.


General options

-i FILE / FOLDER., --input_path FILE / FOLDER.
Read transcriptions from FILE or FOLDER.

-f FORMAT, --from FORMAT, --source_format FORMAT
Specify input format. FORMAT can be:

-t FORMAT, --toFORMAT Specify output format. FORMAT can be:

-o FILE, --output_path FILE
Write output to FILE.


To convert the file interview.sbv from sbv to Praat TextGrid, simply type

python -m textgrid_convert -i interview.sbv -f sbv -t textgrid

To convert the file interview.sbv from sbv to Praat TextGrid and write to output.TextGrid, simply type

python -m textgrid_convert -i interview.sbv -f sbv -t textgrid -o output.TextGrid

To convert the file interview.json from rev-formatted transcriptions to DARLA-compatible TextGrid and write to output.TextGrid, simply type

python -m textgrid_convert -i interview.json -f rev -t darlatextgrid -o output.TextGrid


To be added here


python bdist_wheel twine upload dist/*