paul-jean / wolfdown

Convert Wolfram Mathematica notebooks to markdown files
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Permissions error #2

Open tims457 opened 6 years ago

tims457 commented 6 years ago

Received the following error when running line 71: ./export_nb_to_static_site.wolframscript: Permission denied

paul-jean commented 6 years ago

Hi @ts1829, I wonder if the wolframscript file wasn't cloned with executable permissions.

Try running

$ chmod a+x export_nb_to_static_site.wolframscript

You should also make sure that you're the owner of all the files in the repo you cloned:

$ chown -R  <your user> *
tims457 commented 6 years ago

More errors. Running High Sierra 10.13.1. Seems like it could be an issue with 10.13 if you've only tested in 10.11. I've been converting my notebook files to pdfs and embedding those in html for now, but it would be great if there was a better way to do post Mathematica notebooks.

/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ Error: unsupported compressor 8 /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ Error: Unknown compression scheme encountered for file '/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/Exceptions.plist' /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ Error: unsupported compressor 8 /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ Error: Unknown compression scheme encountered for file '/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Library/AppExceptions.bundle/Exceptions.plist' [wolfdown] Replacing wolfram special chars with ASCII equivalents ...

paul-jean commented 6 years ago

Hmmm those compression errors don't look familiar. I'm running 10.12.6.

If you change the first line of to

#!/bin/sh -x

... (ie add the -x option) this will show the line being executed when those compression errors are hit. Please post the output of that here.

tims457 commented 6 years ago

Here you are. Sorry for the delay.

./ /Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/risk\ parity.nb /Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/export-test/_posts/
+ [[ 2 -lt 1 ]]
++ pwd
+ jekyll_dir=/Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown
+ device_width=600
++ echo
++ sed 's|[_-]| |g'
+ post_title=
+ getopts :o:w:t:h opt
+ [[ /Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/risk parity.nb == -* ]]
+ '[' '!' -z '/Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/risk parity.nb' ']'
+ nb_file='/Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/risk parity.nb'
++ dirname ./
+ script_dir=.
++ basename /Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/risk parity.nb .nb
+ nb_basename='risk
++ ./export_nb_to_static_site.wolframscript /Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/risk parity.nb /Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown 600 ''
/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ Error: unsupported compressor 8
/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ Error: Unknown compression scheme encountered for file '/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/Exceptions.plist'
/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ Error: unsupported compressor 8
/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ Error: Unknown compression scheme encountered for file '/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Library/AppExceptions.bundle/Exceptions.plist'
+ md_post_file='
   The expression /Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown
     is not a list of digits or a string of valid digits.

Get::noopen: Cannot open /Users/pauljean/code/wolfdown/functions.m.
exportNotebook[/Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/risk, parity.nb, FromDigits[/Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown], 600]'
++ pwd
+ curr_dir=/Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown
++ cd /Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown
++ pwd
+ jekyll_dir_full_path=/Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown
+ cd /Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown
++ date +%Y-%m-%d
+ md_base_name='2017-11-28-risk
+ md_file_name='/Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/_posts/2017-11-28-risk
+ echo '[wolfdown] Replacing wolfram special chars with ASCII equivalents ...'
[wolfdown] Replacing wolfram special chars with ASCII equivalents ...
+ sed -i.bak 's@\\\[OpenCurlyQuote\]@'\''@g' '/Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/_posts/2017-11-28-risk
sed: /Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/_posts/2017-11-28-risk
parity.nb No such file or directory
+ sed -i.bak 's@\\\[CloseCurlyQuote\]@'\''@g' '/Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/_posts/2017-11-28-risk
sed: /Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/_posts/2017-11-28-risk
parity.nb No such file or directory
+ sed -i.bak 's@\\\[OpenCurlyDoubleQuote\]@"@g' '/Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/_posts/2017-11-28-risk
sed: /Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/_posts/2017-11-28-risk
parity.nb No such file or directory
+ sed -i.bak 's@\\\[CloseCurlyDoubleQuote\]@"@g' '/Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/_posts/2017-11-28-risk
sed: /Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/_posts/2017-11-28-risk
parity.nb No such file or directory
+ '[' '!' -z '/Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/_posts/2017-11-28-risk
parity.nb' ']'
+ rm '/Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/_posts/2017-11-28-risk
rm: /Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/_posts/2017-11-28-risk
parity.nb No such file or directory
+ echo '[wolfdown] Done replacing special chars.'
[wolfdown] Done replacing special chars.
+ '[' '
   The expression /Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown
     is not a list of digits or a string of valid digits.

Get::noopen: Cannot open /Users/pauljean/code/wolfdown/functions.m.
exportNotebook[/Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/risk, parity.nb, FromDigits[/Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown], 600]' = Failed ']'
+ echo /Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/_posts/2017-11-28-risk parity.nb
/Users/tim/Google-Drive/websites/wolfdown/_posts/2017-11-28-risk parity.nb
+ exit 0