paul-jean / wolfdown

Convert Wolfram Mathematica notebooks to markdown files
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WolfDown: Convert a Wolfram Language notebook to a Jekyll markdown file

The script converts a Wolfram Language notebook to a Jekyll markdown file.

Example: export a single notebook to an existing Jekyll site

Clone this repo:

[rule146@rule146: code]$ git clone

Open one of the example notebooks using Mathematica to see how it looks:


Copy the example-blog directory, which contains a working jekyll site layout:

[rule146@rule146: wolfdown]$ cp -R example-blog export-test
[rule146@rule146: wolfdown]$ lt export-test/
total 32
-rw-r--r--   1 rule146  staff   699B Feb 12 00:12 index.html
-rw-r--r--   1 rule146  staff   1.3K Feb 12 00:12 feed.xml
drwxr-xr-x   5 rule146  staff   170B Feb 12 00:12 css/
-rw-r--r--   1 rule146  staff   536B Feb 12 00:12
drwxr-xr-x   6 rule146  staff   204B Feb 12 00:12 _sass/
drwxr-xr-x   5 rule146  staff   170B Feb 12 00:12 _layouts/
drwxr-xr-x  10 rule146  staff   340B Feb 12 00:12 _includes/
-rw-r--r--   1 rule146  staff   732B Feb 12 00:12 _config.yml
drwxr-xr-x   3 rule146  staff   102B Feb 12 00:12 assets/
drwxr-xr-x   8 rule146  staff   272B Feb 12 00:12 _site/
drwxr-xr-x   7 rule146  staff   238B Feb 12 00:24 _posts/

Now export one of the example notebooks in the example-notebooks directory (note the script requires full paths to be given for the notebook file and the jekyll directory). Call the script with the path to the Wolfram Language notebook file, the path to the Jekyll site, and (optionally) the width of the images to generate in pixels:

[rule146@rule146: wolfdown]$ ./ /Users/rule146/code/wolfdown/example-notebooks/eg-notebook.nb /Users/rule146/code/wolfdown/export-test/ 500

The script returns the full path to the generated markdown file, in the _posts directory of the Jekyll layout.

The script puts any image assets from the notebook conversion into the Jekyll layout under an assets directory:

[rule146@rule146: wolfdown]$ tree export-test/assets/
└── 2017
    └── 02
        └── 12
            ├── eg-notebook-500px
            │   ├── eg-notebook_4.gif
            │   ├── eg-notebook_5.gif
            │   ├── eg-notebook_7.gif
            │   └── eg-notebook_8.gif

Build and serve the jekyll site:

[rule146@rule146: wolfdown]$ cd export-test/
[rule146@rule146: export-test]$ jekyll serve
Configuration file: /Users/rule146/code/wolfdown/export-test/_config.yml
Configuration file: /Users/rule146/code/wolfdown/export-test/_config.yml
            Source: /Users/rule146/code/wolfdown/export-test
       Destination: /Users/rule146/code/wolfdown/export-test/_site
 Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
                    done in 0.214 seconds.
 Auto-regeneration: enabled for '/Users/rule146/code/wolfdown/export-test'
Configuration file: /Users/rule146/code/wolfdown/export-test/_config.yml
    Server address:
  Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.

Browse to []() and click on the post:


It should hopefully look like a reasonable rendition of the notebook.

Usage nb_file jekyll_dir [device_width] [post_title]

Call the script with:

Run with no args to see the script usage message:

usage: nb_file jekyll_dir [device_width] [post_title]
nb_file: wolfram notebook file
jekyll_dir: directory of the Jekyll site
device_width (optional): image width for the exported image files (default: 600 px)
post_title (optional): title of the Jekyll post (default: notebook file name)


The pre-requisites to run are:

Supported platforms

So far this has only been tested on OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), using Wolfram Language 11.0.1 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit).

Notebook conversion steps

The conversion proceeds in several steps:

  1. use WolframScript to export the notebook to HTML
  2. use Jekyll to compile the markdown post to a static site

Note the conversion script adds some yaml front-matter to the Jekyll markdown post:

Run tests

Clone this repo:

[rule146@rule146: code]$ git clone

There is a series of example notebooks given in the example-notebooks directory:

example notebook series

Run the test export script, which creates a test jekyll blog in the repo:

[rule146@rule146: wolfdown]$ ./
creating test blog under export-test ...
exporting example-notebooks/eg-notebook.nb ...
exporting example-notebooks/rule-22-random-init-density.nb ...
exporting example-notebooks/rule-22-random-init.nb ...
exporting example-notebooks/rule-22-simple-init.nb ...
building the jekyll site ...

Browse to []() where each of the example notebooks have been exported as individual posts:

example exported notebooks