paulhoule / tentacruel

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Defend program can't always connect to arangodb #28

Open paulhoule opened 5 years ago

paulhoule commented 5 years ago

Last night, the "defend" script tried to play audio then it tried to look up the track information in adb:

''' requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=8529): Max retries exceeded with url: /_db/environment/_api/document/tracks/TurnOnDownstairs (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f2901a3c3c8>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused')) '''

and the part of the stack trace that we're responsible for is:

File "/home/paul/src/cron/tentacruel/tentacruel/cli/", line 341, in enforce_lights
  File "/home/paul/src/cron/tentacruel/tentacruel/cli/", line 136, in play
    song = await self._search_network_tracks(track)
  File "/home/paul/src/cron/tentacruel/tentacruel/cli/", line 154, in _search_network_tracks
    return collection.get(track)

Note that this incident happened exactly once yesterday, I don't think it is at the heart of the problem.