paulhoule / tentacruel

MIT License
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Home automation framework. Supports:

Some features include:

This library uses asyncio as much as possible. Many things are lumped together which would ideally be organized into separate projects, however:

  1. The correct organization was unknown when I started this project,
  2. Is still accumulating features as the architecture develops
  3. Is more deployable given that all features are deployed in a single virtualenv.

Roughly the Python build and dependency resolution system is flawed and incomplete. We can't count on installing an unlimited selection of dependencies in any one virtualenv. In particular, if we use the system Python, the risk is great that we'll install a library that breaks some other Python-based system or that tentacruel will be broken by a library installed to support one system.

With one package that runs in one virtualenv there is just one system that needs to be dealt with if I need to make an emergency change at 4am.