pauliesnug / SillyPack

modpacks and storage for the silly silly :3
The Unlicense
4 stars 1 forks source link


This server has been retired! Thanks for playing. Follow the instructions below to host the server yourself in its final state.


Setting up the Client

Install launcher

Install the Launcher if you haven't already

  1. Install Prism Launcher (follow their install steps)

  2. Setup Java 17

    • on first launch you will be prompted to locate your java executable
    • you will need Java 17; find your arch and os, for example from adoptium!
  3. Login to your account

    • for new accounts you will have to launch at least once with the official launcher for first time setup
    • under the profiles dropdown on the top right of the screen choose "Manage Accounts" then "Add Microsoft"
    • complete the steps on the page as instructed

Add client instance

  1. Add a new instance, select "Import > Import from zip"

    Use the following URL in the direct download field or download and point to it manually.

  2. Launch the game and the mods will be automatically installed and updated every time you launch!

Setting up the Server

The server has been retired. Follow these steps to host it yourself.

  1. Download the Fabric server jar 0.15.17 for Minecraft version 1.20.1 from either the Fabric website here or by curling it:

    • curl -OJ
  2. Create a working directory with the jarfile and run the launch command, allowing the server to run once, accept the EULA, etc.

    • java -Xms1G -Xmx8G -jar fabric-server-mc.1.20.1-loader.0.15.7-launcher.1.0.1.jar nogui
    • For the duration of this server's existence, it was allocated 12 gigabytes and performance wasn't hindered in normal play with <=10 players.
  3. Download the additional server files here and extract them to the root directory of the server. They include schematics, painting caches, whitelists, and the server settings. Overwrite files that were generated on first startup.

  4. Download the world save! Extract it to the subdirectory world within your server directory.

  5. Important Download this jarfile from packwiz and place it in the root directory. Run this command every time you start up the server before running the launch command from step 2:

    • java -jar packwiz-installer-bootstrap.jar -g -s server
  6. Create any startup or maintenance scripts necessary for your usage, and connect with a client. The scripts used are provided in script.