paulo-raca / YetAnotherArduinoWiegandLibrary

Event-driven Wiegand Library for Arduino
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Yet Another Arduino Wiegand Library

A library to received data from Wiegand RFID Card readers.


Support multiple data formats!

It is event-driven!

It is hardware-agnostic!

How to use it

 * Example on how to use the Wiegand reader library with interruptions.

#include <Wiegand.h>

// These are the pins connected to the Wiegand D0 and D1 signals.
// Ensure your board supports external Interruptions on these pins
#define PIN_D0 2
#define PIN_D1 3

// The object that handles the wiegand protocol
Wiegand wiegand;

// Initialize Wiegand reader
void setup() {

  //Install listeners and initialize Wiegand reader
  wiegand.onReceive(receivedData, "Card readed: ");
  wiegand.onReceiveError(receivedDataError, "Card read error: ");
  wiegand.onStateChange(stateChanged, "State changed: ");
  wiegand.begin(Wiegand::LENGTH_ANY, true);

  //initialize pins as INPUT and attaches interruptions
  pinMode(PIN_D0, INPUT);
  pinMode(PIN_D1, INPUT);
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PIN_D0), pinStateChanged, CHANGE);
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PIN_D1), pinStateChanged, CHANGE);

  //Sends the initial pin state to the Wiegand library

// Every few milliseconds, check for pending messages on the wiegand reader
// This executes with interruptions disabled, since the Wiegand library is not thread-safe
void loop() {
  //Sleep a little -- this doesn't have to run very often.

// When any of the pins have changed, update the state of the wiegand library
void pinStateChanged() {

// Notifies when a reader has been connected or disconnected.
// Instead of a message, the seconds parameter can be anything you want -- Whatever you specify on `wiegand.onStateChange()`
void stateChanged(bool plugged, const char* message) {
    Serial.println(plugged ? "CONNECTED" : "DISCONNECTED");

// Notifies when a card was read.
// Instead of a message, the seconds parameter can be anything you want -- Whatever you specify on `wiegand.onReceive()`
void receivedData(uint8_t* data, uint8_t bits, const char* message) {
    Serial.print("bits / ");
    //Print value in HEX
    uint8_t bytes = (bits+7)/8;
    for (int i=0; i<bytes; i++) {
        Serial.print(data[i] >> 4, 16);
        Serial.print(data[i] & 0xF, 16);

// Notifies when an invalid transmission is detected
void receivedDataError(Wiegand::DataError error, uint8_t* rawData, uint8_t rawBits, const char* message) {
    Serial.print(" - Raw data: ");
    Serial.print("bits / ");

    //Print value in HEX
    uint8_t bytes = (rawBits+7)/8;
    for (int i=0; i<bytes; i++) {
        Serial.print(rawData[i] >> 4, 16);
        Serial.print(rawData[i] & 0xF, 16);

Wiegand Protocol

The Wiegand protocol is very and easy to implement, but is poorly standarlized.

Data transmission

The data is sent over 2 wires, Data 0 and Data 1. Both wires are set to HIGH most of the time.

When a message is being transmitted, bits are sent one at a time:

After a small delay (between 200µs and 20 ms), the next bit is sent – until the message is complete.

Having both pins to LOW is an invalid state, and usually means that the card reader is disconnected.

Message format

This is where things get hairy: Many vendors have defined their own message formats, with different sizes, fields, parity checks and layouts.

These are the most common formats seen in the wild:

26 and 34 bits formats

These are the most common formats, tipically used on RFID card readers.

4 and 8 bit format

These formats are sometimes used on keypads.

On the 4-bit format, the digit is encoded in 4 bits, no extra stuff is added.

On the 8-bit format, the digit is encoded in the lower 4 bits, and the higher 4 bits if the "NOT" of the digit.

This Library

Hardware integration

Since the hardware changes a lot, this library doesn't assume anything on how to read the data pins.

When the state of a pin has changed, it's up to you to call Wiegand.setPinState(pin, state).

There are examples on how to use it with Interruptions and Polling on Arduinos.

(You probably want to use interruptions)

Receiving Data

Use Wiegand.onReceive() to listen to messages.

The listener receives the databuffer and number of bits.

If the Wiegand is initialized with decode_messages=true (the default), any parity/check bits are removed from the payload. (E.g., On a 26-bits message, the decoded payload has only 24-bits)

Handling error Data

Use Wiegand.onReceiveError() to listen to errors.

The callback receive the raw (non-decoded) message.

The error can be any of these:


Wiegand messages have weird amounts of bits, but callbacks receive byte arrays.

Because of this, if the payload on with wiegand data is not multiple of 8 bits, it will be padded with zeros on the most significant bits of the first byte.

This is probably what you want, so that a 4-bit message with 0xf is encoded as [0x0f] instead of [0xf0]

Automatic message size detection

If the message size is specified on Wiegand.begin(size), your listener will be called as soon as the last bit is received, inside the call to Wiegand.setPinState(). Easy!

On the other hand, if you are using automatic message size detections (Wiegand.begin(Wiegand::LENGTH_ANY)), the library considers a message finished after a few milliseconds without events.

In this case, you must call Wiegand.flush() after suficient time (WIEGAND_TIMEOUT milliseconds) has elapsed. The easiest way is to call it from your main loop.

This library is not thread safe. If you are using interruptions to detect changes in pin state, call Wiegand.flush() with interruptions disabled.

Device detection

This library supports detection of the card reader.

Use Wiegand.onStateChange() to listen to plug/unplug events.

To use this feature, you'll need to add a pull-down resistor on both data pins. This will set the input on a invalid state (LOW-LOW) when the reader is unplugged.