paulroth3d / jupyter-ijavascript-utils

Utility library for working with iJavaScript - a Jupyter Kernel
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This is a library to help people that understand JavaScript to leverage for using Jupyter with the iJavaScript kernel as a way to load and explore data, and ultimately tell compelling stories with visuals.

Notebooks are a way to explore and experiment, in addition to write and explain ideas.

All of the tutorials provided here, including this one, was written as a notebook and simply exported.


See Example binder here: Binder:what can I do with this


See documentation at:

What is this?

The jupyter-ijavascript-utils library is simply a collection of utility methods for Node and JavaScript Developers interested in Data Science.

Currently, we assume you'll be using nriesco's iJavaScript Jupyter Kernel and the Jupyter Lab - the latest interface for Jupyter - and the installation is fairly simple in the How to Use guide. (Although suggestions welcome)

This is not intended to be the only way to accomplish many of these tasks, and alternatives are mentioned in the documentation as available.

Screenshot of example notebook

What's New

Running Your Own Notebooks

A many of the tutorials are simply exports of Jupyter notebooks (*.ipynb), found under the docResources/notebooks folder.

(Note that if you wish to require additional packages - like jupyter-ijavascript-utils, simply create a package in the folder you will run the jupyter lab command

ESM Modules + D3

Note that we strongly recommend using this with other modules like D3 - that only support ESM modules now.

There is a known issue #210 in the iJavaScript kernel.

So if you try to import libraries like d3 and get comments like this

$ node -e "import defaultExport from './test.mjs'"
import defaultExport from './test.mjs'

SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
    at new Script (vm.js:88:7)
    at createScript (vm.js:263:10)
    at Object.runInThisContext (vm.js:311:10)
    at Object.<anonymous> ([eval]-wrapper:10:26)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1151:30)
    at evalScript (internal/process/execution.js:94:25)
    at internal/main/eval_string.js:23:3

Use esm-hook as a workaround for now.

require("esm-hook"); // must come before requiring esm modules
d3 = require('d3');  // import esm modules

More is found on the documentation for issue #210

Google Collab

You can very easily use iJavaScript and the jupyter-ijavascript-utils within Google Collab.

See the excellent writeup from Alexey Okhimenko

And the shortlink to run your own:

Steps Overview:

Running on Binder is a great place to run a Jupyter Notebook online.

It means you can run Jupyter Notebooks with additional kernels without having to install anything, and can try right in your browser.

Give it a try here: Binder:what can I do with this

For Example

Get Sample Data

(See the DataSets module for more on sample datasets)

(See the ijs module for helpers to use async/await)

//-- get the data
utils.ijs.await(async ($$, console) => {
    barley = await utils.datasets.fetch('barley.json');

    //-- continue to use the barley dataset, or wait to the next cell

Group By

Then we can group using a process similar to d3js

(See the Group Module for more on grouping)

//-- get the min max of the types of barley
barleyByVarietySite =, 'variety', 'site')

// SourceMap(10) [Map] {
//   'Manchuria' => SourceMap(6) [Map] {
//     'University Farm' => [ [Object], [Object] ],
//     'Waseca' => [ [Object], [Object] ],
//     'Morris' => [ [Object], [Object] ],
//     'Crookston' => [ [Object], [Object] ],
//     'Grand Rapids' => [ [Object], [Object] ],
//     'Duluth' => [ [Object], [Object] ],
//     source: 'site'
//   },
//   'Glabron' => SourceMap(6) [Map] {
//     'University Farm' => [ [Object], [Object] ],
//     'Waseca' => [ [Object], [Object] ],
//     'Morris' => [ [Object], [Object] ],
//     'Crookston' => [ [Object], [Object] ],
//     'Grand Rapids' => [ [Object], [Object] ],
//     'Duluth' => [ [Object], [Object] ],
//     source: 'site'
//   },
//   ...
// }

//-- now group by variety and year
barleyByVarietyYear =, 'variety', 'year')

// SourceMap(10) [Map] {
//   'Manchuria' => SourceMap(2) [Map] {
//     1931 => [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
//     1932 => [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
//     source: 'year'
//   },
//   'Glabron' => SourceMap(2) [Map] {
//     1931 => [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
//     1932 => [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
//     source: 'year'
//   },
//   ...
// }


(See the Aggregation module for more), 'variety', 'site')
    .reduce((collection) => ({
        years: utils.aggregate.extent(collection, 'year'),
        numRecords: utils.aggregate.length(collection),
        yield_sum: utils.aggregate.sum(collection, 'yield'),
        yield_min: utils.aggregate.min(collection, 'yield'),
        yield_max: utils.aggregate.max(collection, 'yield'),
        yield_diff: utils.aggregate.difference(collection, 'yield')

    variety: 'Manchuria',
    site: 'University Farm',
    years: { min: 1931, max: 1932 },
    numRecords: 2,
    yield_sum: 53.9,
    yield_min: 26.9,
    yield_max: 27,
    yield_diff: 0.100
    variety: 'Manchuria',
    site: 'Waseca',
    years: { min: 1931, max: 1932 },
    numRecords: 2,
    yield_sum: 82.33333,
    yield_min: 33.46667,
    yield_max: 48.86667,
    yield_diff: 15.39999

Render as a Table

(See the TableGenerator class for more)

new utils.TableGenerator(barley)
    .formatter({ year: (v) => `${v}`})

Screenshot of table

Show a Graph

(See the {@tutorial vegaLite1} tutorial or the {@link module:vega|Vega module} for more)

//-- make a point chart
utils.vega.svg((vl) => vl.markPoint()
    //-- data as an array of items
    .title('Barley Yield by Site')
        //-- x position is Nominal - not a number
        //-- y position is Quantitative - a number
        //-- Color is based on the year field

Screenshot of Vega Cell

Where making it into a bar chart, to understand the proportions of varieties grown is simply changing the mark type

// change from markPoint to markBar
utils.vega.svg((vl) => vl.markBar()
    //-- data as an array of items
    .title('Barley Yield by Site Variety')
        //-- x position is Nominal - not a number
        //-- y position is Quantitative - a number
        //-- Color is based on the variety field

Screenshot of variety type

With further options to zoom, pan, or setup interactive sliders:

Screenshot of vega lite with sliders

Or try your hand at the Vega Lite Examples

Screenshot of Vega-Lite Examples

Create a Data Driven Map

(See the Data Driven Maps Tutorial for More)

Screenshot of choropleth

Render Maps

(See the Leaflet module for more)

Screenshot of Leaflet

Generate Text Driven Diagrams

(See the PlantUML module for more)

Screenshot of PlantUML

Render Other Libraries

(See the Html Script Tutorial for more)

    scripts: [''],
    height: '100%',
    onReady: ({rootEl}) => {
        new QRCode(rootEl, "");

Screenshot of QR Code

Create Animations

(See the Noise Visualization Tutorial or SVG Module for more)

Screenshot of dark animation

Screenshot of light animation

(click the image to play the gif animation)


See License (MIT License).


If you have any questions first file it on issues before contacting authors.


iJavaScript does not currently support AMD Modules, due to open issues with nodejs see iJavaScript issue #210 for more


Your contributions are welcome: both by reporting issues on GitHub issues or pull-requesting patches.

If you want to implement any additional features, to be added to JSforce to our master branch, which may or may not be merged please first check current opening issues with milestones and confirm whether the feature is on road map or not.

If your feature implementation is brand-new or fixing unsupposed bugs in the library's test cases, please include addtional test codes in the src/__tests__/ directory.

Further Reading