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Intersection of law and quantitative reasoning #11

Open annarlynch opened 5 years ago

annarlynch commented 5 years ago

I agree with much of what my classmates have said. This was a very ambitious course, and I think there was a bit too much emphasis on breadth rather than depth. I wonder if having a class that meets more than two times a week could be helpful in that regard?

My favorite parts of the class were when we were right at the intersection of law and quantitative reasoning, like with Shonubi and later in the course. I think that if each week's reading came with some sort of coding assignment, it would really facilitate discussion. In that regard, as many have said, the time required for the class was already so much. I think there is a way to make this work.

I wonder if it would be helpful to have a class session that is kind of like "lab time." I really liked when we could work together on coding. When there were only two classes a week I think it was easy for some to sit back and let someone else take over. That's not how I traditionally operate, but I would just get so frustrated! Maybe the first two weeks of the class could be a straight-up coding boot camp?

I feel like a learned a lot of things in this class, and I'm thankful for it. I hope that future students learn a few things very deeply. I'm not sure how, but somehow making the content more rapidly iterative. It's hard in a law school where grading is usually taken from so few datapoints.

emart16 commented 5 years ago

I especially agree that I learned a lot during the times we worked as a group in class to solve problems. Perhaps having some "team projects" or "team homework" would be something to add in the future.