paultopia / gobbledygook

sociological gobbledygook the website
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Class website for Sociological Gobbledygook, a.k.a. Introduction to Quantitative and Computational Legal Reasoning, University of Iowa College of Law, spring 2019.

This used to be just the private repository for the course website, with the original plan to be to have lessons and discussions of material hosted in other repositories. That didn't really work, so I've opened this repository to the public and am declaring it the Official Source for all lessons and such.

Other repositories that have touched this course:


The actual lesson material is in the form of jupyter notebooks and markdown files in the content directory.

The output directory is automatically generated and should not be touched. It's generated by the Pelican static site generator.

The custom_build_scripts directory, the plugins directory, plus the scripts in the root of this directory (.py files, .sh files, the Pipfile, the Makefile) build the website. Some are generated by Pelican, others are generated by me or tweaked by me from Pelican's originals. Don't touch them unless you know what you're doing. (And definitely don't touch Pipfile.lock).

The notmyidea-mod directory contains the templates for the HTML pages. Again, probably not a good idea to touch them unless you know what you're doing.

TODO (PG tasks):

Notes to self (students ignore)

Currently searching for datacamp replacement.
Dataquest free lessons: Pandas on codeacademy: Bunch of nice pandas resources: Some guy's course (he's got good SEO but is it any good?):

Hacker rank python challenges for daily practice: actually assign all the intro ones for week one: