paulw11 / homebridge-wiser

Clipsal C-Bus Wiser plugin for home bridge
MIT License
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Unable to get plug-in working- help please #21

Open HOOBSNovice opened 2 years ago

HOOBSNovice commented 2 years ago

At this stage I can’t rate the plug-in as I’m unable to get it configured correctly. I have a wiser home control 1 (wiser1) which works perfectly with the Clipsal Wiser2 App but:

On the plug-in it’s unclear if I can configure the Wiser IP Address with a specific port as I don’t have the default port (80) enabled. I’ve tried the “” but not sure if that kind of address is supported in the plug-in. I should add that my Wiser1 is configured in WAN mode hence I'm using remote access with a dedicated port.

On the Visual config page the “WiserPort” is shown as Wiser Admin Password again and when you enter 8888 it shows on the advanced setting as 8888 and not “8888”

I have tried using the advanced setting with the wiser IP address as per above “” and the wiser port as “8888” but it still fails to connect.

Any guidance would be welcome.

dszstr commented 2 years ago

The same issue for me as well.

paulw11 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the note about the incorrectly labeled port in the config; I have just released 2.1.3 to fix this.

8888 is the default admin port. The plug in does not connect to the web port. The plugin in needs to run on the internal network of your Wiser. It cannot run on a network connected to the WAN port of the wiser.

HOOBSNovice commented 2 years ago

Thanks for update, much appreciated.

I experimented over the weekend and implemented the changes below on my Wiser Home Controller 1 and the plug-in was able to successfully access the Wiser project file, and load all the accessories from the WAN / internet side of the Wiser.

As my Wiser in only acting as a "Wiser", I am not using the wifi capability and have disabled it, and the only LAN connected device is the CNI. That has allowed me to:

  1. enable the DMZ on all traffic from the WAN port to access the Wiser router IP address, and
  2. change the default Remote Access Port from 8080 to 80

Of course these configuration changes may not be suitable in all circumstances but on a 10+ year old device, I doubt many home owners are using a Wiser 1 as their home router, wifi AP and LAN switch.

HOOBSNovice commented 2 years ago

I have another question regarding shutter relay operation for roller blinds. The plug-in does exactly what the Wiser is setup to do which is 3 button operation (1=up, 2=stop, 3=down) per blind.

On my CBUS system I also have standard CBUS wall switches operating the blinds in 1 button operation (press once = up or down depending blind state, if no other action during the motor operation period the blind will complete its action, if you press during motor operation period = stop, if your press again = reverse action).

Of course this presents some challenges of maintaining sync between wall switch operation and wiser / Apple Home.

If I configure the Wiser to also operate in 1 button operation how will the plug in treat that and any thoughts on how Apple Home will present the blind control.

The alternative is to add more wall switch capability to operate in 3 button mode as well.

Interested in any thoughts.