paurkedal / ppx_regexp

Matching Regular Expressions with OCaml Patterns
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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ocaml-patterns ppx-rewriter regular-expression

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Two PPXes for Working with Regular Expressions

This repo provides two PPXes providing regular expression-based routing:

Another difference is that ppx_regexp works directly on strings essentially hiding the library calls, while ppx_tyre provides Tyre.t and Tyre.route which can be composed an applied using the Tyre library.

ppx_regexp - Regular Expression Matching with OCaml Patterns

This syntax extension turns

| {|re1|} -> e1
| {|reN|} -> eN
| _ -> e0

into suitable invocations of the Re library, and similar for match%pcre. The patterns are plain strings of the form accepted by Re_pcre, with the following additions:

A variable is allowed for the universal case and is bound to the matched string. A regular alias is currently not allowed for patterns, since it is not obvious whether is should bind the full string or group 0.


The following prints out times and hosts for SMTP connections to the Postfix daemon:

(* Link with re, re.pcre, lwt, lwt.unix.
   Preprocess with ppx_regexp.
   Adjust to your OS. *)

open Lwt.Infix

let check_line =
   | {|(?<t>.*:\d\d) .* postfix/smtpd\[[0-9]+\]: connect from (?<host>[a-z0-9.-]+)|} ->
      Lwt_io.printlf "%s %s" t host
   | _ ->

let () = begin
  Lwt_io.printl "SMTP connections from:" >>= fun () ->
  Lwt_stream.iter_s check_line (Lwt_io.lines_of_file "/var/log/syslog")

ppx_tyre - Syntax Support for Tyre Routes

Typed regular expressions

This PPX compiles

[%tyre {|re|}]

into 'a Tyre.t.

For instance, We can define a pattern that recognize strings of the form "dim:3x5" like so:

# open Tyre ;;
# let dim = [%tyre "dim:(?&int)x(?&int)"] ;;
val dim : (int * int) Tyre.t

The syntax (?&id) allows to call a typed regular expression named id of type 'a Tyre.t, such as

For convenience, you can also use named capture groups to name the captured elements.

# let dim = [%tyre "dim:(?<x>(?&int))x(?&y:int)"] ;;
val dim : < x : int; y : int > Tyre.t

Names given using the syntax (?<foo>re) will be used for the fields of the results. (?&y:int) is a shortcut for (?<y>(?&int)). This can also be used for alternatives, for instance:

# let id_or_name = [%tyre "id:(?&id:int)|name:(?<name>[[:alnum:]]+)"] ;;
val id_or_name : [ `id of int | `name of string ] Tyre.t

Expressions of type Tyre.t can then be composed as part of bigger regular expressions, or compiled with Tyre.compile. See tyre's documentation for details.


ppx_tyre can also be used for routing, in the style of ppx_regexp:

    | {|re1|} -> e1
    | {|reN|} -> eN

is turned into a 'a Type.route, where re, re1, ... are regular expressions using the same syntax as above. "re" as v is considered like (?<v>re) and "re1" | "re2" is turned into a regular expression alternative.

Once routes are defined, matching is done with Tyre.exec.


The syntax follow Perl's syntax:


No Pattern Guards

Pattern guards are not supported. This is due to the fact that all match cases are combined into a single regular expression, so if one of the patterns succeed, the match is committed before we can check the guard condition.

No Exhaustiveness Check

The syntax extension will always warn if no catch-all case is provided. No exhaustiveness check is attempted. Doing it right would require reimplementing full regular expression parsing and an algorithm which would ideally produce a counter-example.

Bug Reports

The processor is currently new and not well tested. Please break it and file bug reports in the GitHub issue tracker. Any exception raised by generated code except for Match_failure is a bug.