pavelmaca / WoT-BattleMessenger

WoT mod: BattleMessenger - filters & antispam
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# BattleMessenger - Chat filter & antispam

When someone spaming chat, for example, with minimap ping.. this mod only hide messages, not remove ping sound or minimap action icon.

I'm not responsible for any missing information from chat using this mod... it's up to you how to setup this mod, and if you check config in debug mode.


For latest version check:

Forum Links

Config file

Custom filters

Simple filter like "badword" will match message: In this message is badword and will not be displayed.

To avoid unwanted filtering with custom filters you need to know some details.

  • HTML code inside message is deleted, with content (avoid filtering user, clan and vehicle names from RadialMenu actions)
  • every message is splited to simple words, using space as delimeter
  • tested are only words with 2 or more characters
  • some characters become replaced, like 0 => o, ä => a, c => k, full list is here: gist -
  • special characters are removed, like ., #, :, full list is here: gist -

Using .* statement

For creating dynamic filters, you can use .* inside filter definition. It mean "any characters".

  • .*bar match bar, foobar
  • sta.* match stay, stats, start
  • re.*d match red, reeeed, read
  • re.*d.* match same as above + reading

Tips for configuration

Disable chat completely

Simply don't display any message on chat (can be used for recording videos)

chatLength: 0,

Display chat messages little longer

Standard message life time is 10s.
If you want to make it longer (or shorter) simply edit config value for messageLifeTime

Debug mode

Allows you test new configuration, while all messages will be displayed. Works also on own messages.

debugMode: true



List of changes