Automatic Changelog generator using Jinja2 templates. From git logs to change logs.
Jinja2 templates! You get full control over the rendering. Built-in Keep a Changelog and Angular templates (also see Conventional Changelog).
Commit styles/conventions parsing. Built-in Angular, Conventional Commit and basic conventions.
Git service/provider agnostic, plus references parsing (issues, commits, etc.). Built-in GitHub, Gitlab and Bitbucket support.
Understands SemVer and PEP 440 versioning schemes. Guesses next version based on last commits.
Parses Git trailers, allowing to reference issues, PRs, etc., in your commit messages in a clean, provider-agnostic way.
Template context injection, to furthermore customize how your changelog will be rendered.
With pip
pip install git-changelog
With pipx
python3.8 -m pip install --user pipx
pipx install git-changelog
Simply run git-changelog
in your repository to output a changelog on standard output.
To show the different options and their descriptions, use git-changelog -h