pawn-lang / sa-mp-fixes

Includes and plugins to fix various issues in the SA:MP server that can be fixed externally, leaving the devs time for other things.
135 stars 57 forks source link

Server Crashes with No Error Reported #180

Open AtlanticCityRoleplay opened 8 months ago

AtlanticCityRoleplay commented 8 months ago

Hi, I have Used for the First Time. My server Crashing Once the Server Loaded Fully with no Crash Log I have attached Server.log and FCNPC Crash log for further Reference

Server Log

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[17:55:32] Server Plugins
[17:55:32] --------------
[17:55:32]  Loading plugin: sscanf.dll
[17:55:32]  ===============================
[17:55:32]       sscanf plugin loaded.     
[17:55:32]          Version: 2.13.8
[17:55:32]    (c) 2022 Alex "Y_Less" Cole  
[17:55:32]  ===============================
[17:55:32]   Loaded.
[17:55:32]  Loading plugin: crashdetect.dll
[17:55:32]   CrashDetect plugin 4.21
[17:55:32]   Loaded.
[17:55:32]  Loading plugin: streamer.dll

*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.6 by Incognito loaded ***

[17:55:32]   Loaded.
[17:55:32]  Loading plugin: timerfix.dll
[17:55:32]   >> TimerFix v1.5 successfully loaded.
[17:55:32]   Loaded.
[17:55:32]  Loading plugin: pawncmd.dll
[17:55:32] [Pawn.CMD] plugin v3.4.0 loading...
[17:55:32] [Pawn.CMD] 

    | Pawn.CMD 3.4.0 | 2016 - 2023
    | Author and maintainer: katursis

    | Compiled: Feb 12 2023 at 18:12:31
    | Repository:

[17:55:32]   Loaded.
[17:55:32]  Loading plugin: SKY.dll
[17:55:32]  ===============================
[17:55:32]    < SKY - 2.3.0 >
[17:55:32]    (c) 2008 - Present | YSF Maintainers
[17:55:32]    (c) 2015 | Oscar "Slice" Broman
[17:55:32]    Server Version: 0.3.7 R2
[17:55:32]    Operating System: Windows
[17:55:32]    Built on: Sep 27 2021 at 23:19:52
[17:55:32]  ===============================
[17:55:32]   Loaded.
[17:55:32]  Loading plugin: bcrypt-samp.dll
[17:55:32]   plugin.bcrypt v2.2.3 was loaded.
[17:55:32]   plugin.bcrypt: 8 cores detected, 7 threads will be used.
[17:55:32]   Loaded.
[17:55:32]  Loading plugin: mysql.dll
[17:55:32]  >> plugin.mysql: R39-6 successfully loaded.
[17:55:32]   Loaded.
[17:55:32]  Loading plugin: sampvoice.dll
[17:55:32] [sv:dbg:network:init] : module initializing...
[17:55:32] [dbg:raknet:init] : module initializing...
[17:55:32] [dbg:raknet:init] : module initialized
[17:55:32] [sv:dbg:network:init] : module initialized
[17:55:32] [sv:dbg:main:Load] : creating 8 work threads...
[17:55:32]  -------------------------------------------    
[17:55:32]    ___                __   __    _              
[17:55:32]   / __| __ _ _ __  _ _\ \ / /__ (_) __ ___    
[17:55:32]   \__ \/ _` | '  \| '_ \   / _ \| |/ _/ -_)
[17:55:32]   |___/\__,_|_|_|_| .__/\_/\___/|_|\__\___|
[17:55:32]                   |_|                           
[17:55:32]  -------------------------------------------    
[17:55:32]            SampVoice by MOR loaded              
[17:55:32]  -------------------------------------------    
[17:55:32]   Loaded.
[17:55:32]  Loading plugin: FCNPC.dll
[17:55:32] -------------------------------------------------
[17:55:32]      FCNPC - Fully Controllable NPC v2.0.8
[17:55:32]             Windows SA-MP 0.3.7 R2
[17:55:32]            Aug 28 2023 at 14:31:10
[17:55:33]   Author:       OrMisicL (2013 - 2015)
[17:55:33]   Continued by: ziggi    (2016 - present)
[17:55:33]   See full credits in the file
[17:55:33] -------------------------------------------------
[17:55:33] Loading...
[17:55:33] -------------------------------------------------
[17:55:33]    ColAndreasv1.4.0
[17:55:33]    Created By:
[17:55:33]      [uL]Chris42O
[17:55:33]      [uL]Slice
[17:55:33]      [uL]Pottus
[17:55:33] -------------------------------------------------
[17:55:33] Loading...
[17:55:33] ColAndreas v1.4.0 Loaded.
[17:55:33]   Loaded.
[17:55:33]  Loading plugin: nativechecker.dll
[17:55:33]   Loaded.
[17:55:33]  Loaded 11 plugins.

[17:55:33] Filterscripts
[17:55:33] ---------------
[17:55:33]   Loading filterscript 'android-check.amx'...
[17:55:33] [sv:dbg:main:AmxLoad] : net game pointer (value:024E9D40) received
[17:55:33] [sv:dbg:network:bind] : voice server running on port 55748
[17:55:38] Loaded collision data.
[17:55:38] Android check has been successfully loaded.
[17:55:38]   Loading filterscript 'acrp_map.amx'...
[17:55:38]   Loading filterscript 'acrp_main.amx'...
[17:55:38]   Loading filterscript 'acrp_store.amx'...
[17:55:38]   Loading filterscript 'acrp_dealership.amx'...
[17:55:38]   Loading filterscript 'xwar.amx'...
[17:55:38]   Loading filterscript 'acrp_npc.amx'...
[17:55:38]   Loading filterscript 'npc_record.amx'...
[17:55:38]   Loaded 8 filterscripts.

[17:55:38] *** Streamer Plugin: The plugin version (0x295) is older than the include file version (0x296) for this script. The plugin might need to be updated to the latest version.
[17:55:38]  *** info: Trying to unload RconCommand/ClientCheckResponse fix FS...
[17:55:38] ***                 Ignore any errors if the FS already unloaded.
[17:55:38]   Filterscript '../scriptfiles/fs-count-A.amx' loaded.
[17:55:38]   Filterscript '../scriptfiles/fs-count-B.amx' loaded.
[17:55:38]   Filterscript '../scriptfiles/fs-count-C.amx' loaded.
[17:55:38]   Filterscript '../scriptfiles/fs-count-D.amx' loaded.
[17:55:38]   Filterscript '../scriptfiles/fs-count-E.amx' loaded.
[17:55:38]   Filterscript '../scriptfiles/fs-count-F.amx' loaded.
[17:55:38]   Filterscript '../scriptfiles/fs-count-G.amx' loaded.
[17:55:38]   Filterscript '../scriptfiles/fs-count-H.amx' loaded.
[17:55:38]   Filterscript '../scriptfiles/fs-count-I.amx' load failed.
[17:55:38]   Filterscript '../scriptfiles/fs-count-H.amx' unloaded.
[17:55:38]   Filterscript '../scriptfiles/fs-count-G.amx' unloaded.
[17:55:38]   Filterscript '../scriptfiles/fs-count-F.amx' unloaded.
[17:55:38]   Filterscript '../scriptfiles/fs-count-E.amx' unloaded.
[17:55:38]   Filterscript '../scriptfiles/fs-count-D.amx' unloaded.
[17:55:38]   Filterscript '../scriptfiles/fs-count-C.amx' unloaded.
[17:55:38]   Filterscript '../scriptfiles/fs-count-B.amx' unloaded.
[17:55:38]   Filterscript '../scriptfiles/fs-count-A.amx' unloaded.
[17:55:38]  *** info: Trying to load RconCommand/ClientCheckResponse fix FS...
[17:55:38] ***                 Ignore any errors if the FS already loaded.
[17:55:38]   Filterscript '../scriptfiles/callbackfix.amx' loaded.
[17:55:38] FIXES Script ID: 1
[17:55:38] MapFix by Nexius v4.3.3 loaded (include version).
[17:55:39] --------------------------------------
[17:55:39]  Anticheat Nex-AC loaded!
[17:55:39]  Anticheat version: 1.9.62
[17:55:39]  Author: Nexius
[17:55:39] --------------------------------------

[17:55:39] [LoadAntiCheat] Loading data from database...
[17:55:39] Loading Map.
[17:55:39] Loaded Map.                             
[17:55:39] Atlantic RP
[17:55:39] 148 objects loaded.
[17:55:39] Number of vehicle models: 7
[17:55:39] [Script] 18 atms loaded
[17:55:39] [Script] 3 houses loaded.
[17:55:39] [Script] 3 garages loaded.
[17:55:39] [Script] 20 Public Garage loaded
[17:55:39] [Script] 3 Petrol Station loaded
[17:55:39] [Script] 16 Oils loaded
[17:55:39] [Script] 23 businesses loaded.
[17:55:39] [Script] 37 entrances loaded.
[17:55:39] [Script] 24 factions loaded.
[17:55:39] [Script] 0 lands loaded.
[17:55:39] [Script] 13 gangs loaded.
[17:55:39] [Script] 4 points loaded.
[17:55:39] [Script] 4 turfs loaded.
[17:55:39] [ANTICHEAT]: Anti-cheat settings loaded successfully (loaded: 53). Time: 0 ??.
[17:55:39] [Server] Atlantic City Server loaded Successfully
[17:55:39] [Owner] Prince of India
[17:55:39] [Developer] Karthi Genius
[17:55:39] [Exclusive Mapper] RioFTW

FCNPC Crash Log


AtlanticCityRoleplay commented 5 months ago

@Y-Less @ziggi

Need Some Help Regards This........