pawn-lang / sa-mp-fixes

Includes and plugins to fix various issues in the SA:MP server that can be fixed externally, leaving the devs time for other things.
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crutch fixes gta gtasa hacktoberfest pawn pawn-package samp sanandreas script

Community patches for buggy SA:MP functions.


SA:MP is beta software written by a small team in their spare time, thus it has bugs (as does all software). Some of these have been known for a long time but are low priority due to their minor effects, others go undiscovered for a long time. Many of these bugs have solutions which can be implemented in PAWN (and this may be simpler than implementing them in the SA:MP source code). This include aims to collect fixes for as many of these bugs as possible from the community (i.e. anyone who has a fix) together in to one easy to use place for everyone's benefit.


This library is a single-file include. The only required part is:

Save this file as pawno/include/ then include it after the default SA:MP functions, but before third party includes:

#include <a_samp>
// Any default re-definitions should go here.
//#undef MAX_PLAYERS
//#define MAX_PLAYERS 10
#include <fixes>

#include <other>

To disable any fix for whatever reason simply do:

#define FIX_<name> 0

For example, to disable all the fixes if you always correctly check the file handle, do:

#include <a_samp>
#define FIX_file_inc 0
#include <fixes>
#include <other>

All the names of the fixes are single words, and are all listed with their fix descriptions below.

If you only have one script running on your server (i.e. no FilterScripts), you can use this define to improve the code:

#include <a_samp>
#define FIXES_Single 1
#include <fixes>
#include <other>

See below for more configuration settings.

If you use sampctl the inclusion path to go under dependencies is:


You can also download the entire repo using git, and will get a more complete experience, including better warnings and this documentation.

Fix Options

Name Problem Solution Author(s) Post(s) Notes
GetPlayerColor Returns "0" if "SetPlayerColor" has never been called. Call "SetPlayerColor" in "OnPlayerConnect". KoczkaHUN
FILTERSCRIPT Despite the fact that is in every new script, many people dont' define "FILTERSCRIPT" where appropriate. Provide an "IS_FILTERSCRIPT" variable (note the naming to match the original macro). Y_Less
SpawnPlayer Kills the player if they are in a vehicle. Remove player from the vehicle. Y_Less
SetPlayerName Using "SetPlayerName" when the new name only differs from the old name in case does not alter the name at all. Change their name twice - once to "_FIXES TEMP NAME" and then to the actual required name. Y_Less Slice simonepri
GetPlayerSkin Returns the new skin after "SetSpawnInfo" is called but before the player actually respawns to get the new skin. Record the skin in "OnPlayerSpawn" and always return that one. Y_Less
GetWeaponName Returns nothing for 18, 44, and 45. Return the correct names (Molotov Cocktail, Thermal Goggles, and Night vision Goggles). Y_Less Fixed in 0.3.7
SetPlayerWorldBounds Aiming can bypass the edge. Check for the player leaving the area and reset them to their last good position if they leave the area (aiming or not). Y_Less
TogglePlayerControllable Other players see you moving on the spot. Return 0 in OnPlayerUpdate. Slice Link
HydraSniper Entering military aircraft with a sniper rifle messes up views. Set their armed weapon to fists. funky1234 Link
IsPlayerInCheckpoint Function returns an undefined value if it is called before any other checkpoint functions are called to initialise the value. Call "DisablePlayerCheckpoint" when they connect. Y_Less
IsPlayerInRaceCheckpoint Function returns an undefined value if it is called before any other race checkpoint functions are called to initialise the value. Call "DisablePlayerRaceCheckpoint" when they connect. Y_Less
GetPlayerWeapon Returns the old value after entering in a vehicle. If "SetPlayerArmedWeapon" and other similar functions is called in a vehicle, store the new value and return that instead. Y_Less ronixtey
PutPlayerInVehicle If this is used on a passenger the driver of their old vehicle doesn't see them in their new vehicle. Remove them from the vehicle first. leong124 Y_Less Link
KEY_AIM "KEY_AIM" isn't defined by default. Define it. Y_Less
SetPlayerCheckpoint If a checkpoint is already set it will use the size of that checkpoint instead of the new one. Call "DisablePlayerCheckpoint" before setting the checkpoint. ziggi
SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint If a checkpoint is already set it will use the size of that checkpoint instead of the new one. Call "DisablePlayerRaceCheckpoint" before setting the checkpoint. ziggi
TextDrawCreate Crashes on a blank string. Intercept blank strings. wups
TextDrawCreate_2 If the last character in the text is a space (" "), the text will all be blank. Remove space characters from the end of the string. ziggi Link
TextDrawSetString Crashes on a blank string and size greater than 1024. Intercept blank strings and truncate long strings. TomTrox
TextDrawSetString_2 If the last character in the text is a space (" "), the text will all be blank. Remove space characters from the end of the string. ziggi Link
CreatePlayerTextDraw Crashes on a blank string. Intercept blank strings. wups Y_Less
CreatePlayerTextDraw_2 If the last character in the text is a space (" "), the text will all be blank. Remove space characters from the end of the string. ziggi Link
PlayerTextDrawSetString Crashes on a blank string and size greater than 1024. Intercept blank strings and truncate long strings. TomTrox Y_Less
PlayerTextDrawSetString_2 If the last character in the text is a space (" "), the text will all be blank. Remove space characters from the end of the string. ziggi Link
AllowInteriorWeapons Does nothing. Set the player's weapon to fists in an interior. KoczkaHUN
OnPlayerEnterVehicle Crashes other players when people enter an invalid seat. Desync the people with invalid seats. RyDeR` Y_Less Link
OnPlayerEnterVehicle_2 Crashes the server when hacks enter an invalid vehicle. Desync the people with invalid vehicles. Y_Less
OnPlayerEnterVehicle_3 No player animation when trying to enter the driver door of a locked vehicle Leave the door unlocked and activate an animation when the player attemps to enter a 'locked' vehicle. ziggi rt-2 Link
AllowTeleport 0.3dRC9 removed "AllowPlayerTeleport" and "AllowAdminTeleport" in favour of "OnPlayerClickMap". Some scripts used the old code and. Teleport the player in "OnPlayerClickMap". Y_Less
SetPlayerSpecialAction Removing jetpacks from players by setting their special action to 0 causes the sound to stay until death. Call "ClearAnimations" before "SetPlayerSpecialAction". MP2
OnDialogResponse Cheaters can spoof the dialogid they are using to respond to ones they can't actually see. Store the displayed dialogid and use that instead. Y_Less Fixed in 0.3e RC6
GetPlayerDialog This function doesn't exist. Fixed for hidden dialogs. Add it. Y_Less simonepri Disabled By Default
PlayerDialogResponse A player's dialog doesn't hide when the gamemode restarts, causing the server to print "Warning: PlayerDialogResponse PlayerId: 0 dialog ID doesn't match last sent dialog ID". Hide it. simonepri
SetSpawnInfo Kicks the player if "SpawnPlayer" is called before "SetSpawnInfo". Call "SetSpawnInfo" at least once. Y_Less
SetPlayerSkin Breaks sitting on bikes. Put them back in the vehicle after setting their skin. CyNiC Link
HideMenuForPlayer Crashes when passed an invalid menu ID. Don't hide it when passed an invalid menu. Y_Less Link
valstr Crashes on large numbers. Use "format" instead. Slice
fclose Crashes on an invalid handle. Check for an invalid handle. Slice
fwrite Crashes on an invalid handle. Check for an invalid handle. Slice
fread Crashes on an invalid handle. Check for an invalid handle. Slice
fputchar Crashes on an invalid handle. Check for an invalid handle. Slice
fgetchar Crashes on an invalid handle. Check for an invalid handle. Slice
fblockwrite Crashes on an invalid handle. Check for an invalid handle. Slice
fblockread Crashes on an invalid handle. Check for an invalid handle. Slice
fseek Crashes on an invalid handle. Check for an invalid handle. Slice
flength Crashes on an invalid handle. Check for an invalid handle. Slice
file_inc Includes or excludes all the file function fixes together (can cause major overhead). Optionally group them all under one define. Y_Less Disabled By Default
SetPlayerAttachedObject Doesn't remove objects when the mode ends. Remove them. Y_Less
OnPlayerDeath Clients get stuck when they die with an animation applied. Clear their animations. h02 Link
strins Ignores the "maxlength" parameter causing possible crashes. Manually check the length. Slice Y_Less
IsPlayerConnected Only uses the lower two bytes of a passed ID. Mask the numbers. Slice
TrainExit When getting out of a train entered by "PutPlayerInVehicle", the camera does not reset properly. Reset the camera. Terminator3 Y_Less
Kick Calling "Kick" in "OnPlayerConnect" doesn't work properly. Defer it. Y_Less Link Fixed in 0.3x
OnVehicleMod Crashes other players when invalid mods are applied. Desync the player. JernejL Y_Less Link
random Doesn't work with negative numbers. Invert then reinvert. simonepri Disabled By Default
sleep Leaks bytes from the stack. Call a function to store the correct value. Y_Less
AddMenuItem Crashes when passed an invalid menu ID. Don't hide it when passed an invalid menu. Y_Less
SetMenuColumnHeader Crashes when passed an invalid menu ID. Don't hide it when passed an invalid menu. Y_Less
ShowMenuForPlayer Crashes when passed an invalid menu ID. Don't hide it when passed an invalid menu. Y_Less
HideMenuForPlayer Crashes when passed an invalid menu ID. Don't hide it when passed an invalid menu. Y_Less Link
HideMenuForPlayer_2 Ignores the "menuid" parameter. Only hide the correct menu. Y_Less Disabled By Default
DisableMenu Crashes when passed an invalid menu ID. Don't hide it when passed an invalid menu. Y_Less
DisableMenuRow Crashes when passed an invalid menu ID. Don't hide it when passed an invalid menu. Y_Less
Menus All menu function fixes are included separately for major overhead. Optionally group them all under one define. Y_Less
GetPlayerMenu Returns previous menu when none is displayed. Return the correct value. Y_Less
GetPlayerInterior Always returns 0 for NPCs. Return the correct value. Y_Less simonepri
ClearAnimations Use ClearAnimation while you are in a vehicle cause the player exit from it. Apply an animation instead of clear animation. simonepri
ClearAnimations_2 ClearAnimations doesn't do anything when the animation ends if we pass 1 for the freeze parameter in ApplyAnimation. Apply an idle animation for stop and then use ClearAnimation. simonepri
DriveBy If you press KEY_CROUCH while you're passenger and if you are armed, the player start to aim; if you repress KEY_CROUCH the player don't return in vehicle. Apply the animation to return the player in the vehicle. simonepri
SilentTeleport If a vehicle teleports either by SetVehiclePos or enters an original samp interior if someone tries to enter it he will teleport silently along. Using 'ClearAnimation' to stop the player before the teleport happens. RogueDrifter Link
GangZoneCreate Gang zones bug on the main map for players at certain angles relative to them. Set a non floating value for the gang zone co-ordinate. simonepri Y_Less
SPECIAL_ACTION_PISSING "SPECIAL_ACTION_PISSING" isn't defined by default. Define it. simonepri
IsValidVehicle "IsValidVehicle" isn't defined by default. Define it. simonepri
ApplyAnimation Passing an invalid animation library in ApplyAnimation causes a client crash for streamed in players. Block ApplyAnimation when an invalid library is passed. simonepri
ApplyAnimation_2 First time a library is used, it does nothing. Apply animations twice when first using a library. simonepri Lordzy Y_Less
ApplyActorAnimation Passing an invalid animation library in ApplyAnimation causes a client crash for streamed in players. Block ApplyActorAnimation when an invalid library is passed. simonepri ziggi
ApplyActorAnimation_2 First time a library is used, it does nothing. Apply animations twice when first using a library. simonepri Lordzy Y_Less ziggi
OnPlayerSpawn San Andreas deducts $100 from players. Reset the player's money to what it was before they died. Y_Less
GetGravity "GetGravity" isn't defined by default. Define it. Whitetiger Link
gpci "gpci" isn't defined by default. Define it. simonepri Link
Natives Several natives are included by default, this enables or disables them all. Therefore this is an umbrella fix for several fixes. Define them. Y_Less
OnPlayerConnect This function isn't called for players when a filterscript starts. Call it for all connected players. Y_Less
OnPlayerDisconnect This function isn't called for players when a filterscript ends. Call it for all connected players. Y_Less
GameText Several styles do not display for the time specified. Recreate the styles in Text Draws and use those instead. Y_Less
GameTextStyles San Andreas has fixed styles for area and vehicle names, but they are not included in the GameText styles list. Add them. Y_Less Disabled By Default
HideGameText There is no "HideGameTextForXYZ" function. Show a single space for a game text. Y_Less
ClearPlayerWorldBounds There is no "ClearPlayerWorldBounds" function. Put the world bounds back to the default. Y_Less
GetPlayerWorldBounds There is no "GetPlayerWorldBounds" function. Store them and retrieve them. Y_Less
WEAPONS Some weapons are not defined by default. Define it. ziggi
BODYPARTS The bodyparts to be used in OnPlayer(Take/Give)Damage are not defined by default Define it. Whitetiger
CAMERAMODES The camera modes for GetPlayerCameraMode are not defined by default. Define it. Whitetiger Link
SetPlayerCamera Using the camera functions directly after enabling spectator mode doesn't work. Defer them. Emmet_
SetPlayerTime Using this function under "OnPlayerConnect" doesn't work. Defer it. Emmet_
OnPlayerRequestClass Random blunts and bottles sometimes appear in class selection. Call "RemoveBuildingForPlayer". Y_Less
SetPlayerColor If used under OnPlayerConnect, the affecting player will not see the color in the TAB menu. Defer it. Emmet_ Link
FileMaths You can write gibberish like "File:a; ++a;". Remove the operators. Y_Less
GetPlayerWeaponData Old weapons with no ammo left are still returned. Set "weapons" to 0. Y_Less Link
strcmp Return 0 if anyone of the string is empty. Add a check for empty string. Y_Less
GetPVarString Wrong symbol code for symbols with code 128 and above. Use logical conjunction on symbol and 0xFF. ziggi MuthaX Daniel_Cortez Link Link
GetSVarString Wrong symbol code for symbols with code 128 and above. Use logical conjunction on symbol and 0xFF. ziggi MuthaX Daniel_Cortez Link Link
toupper Not working on Linux for symbols with code 128 and above. Recreate the function. ziggi Link
tolower Not working on Linux for symbols with code 128 and above. Recreate the function. ziggi Link
PassengerSeating Teleporting player to passenger seat after delay. Call ClearAnimation after some delay. ziggi
GogglesSync Visual effects show for all players. return 0 in OnPlayerUpdate after key pressed. ziggi
GetPlayerPoolSize Returns "0" even if there are no players on the server. Return "-1" if PlayerPoolsize is 0 but Player 0 is not connected. Bios-Marcel
SetPlayerPos Using this function on skydiving players kills them. Remove the parachute when the player is skydiving. Freaksken
GetPlayerAmmo Returns erroneous values over 32767 and under -32768 due to overflow. Prevent setting or adding ammo above 32767 and setting or removing ammo below 0. Freaksken
JIT Can't easily determine if the script is JIT compiled. Provide "IS_JIT" to the script for tests. Y_Less
OS Can't easily determine what OS the script is running on. Provide "IS_WINDOWS" and "IS_LINUX" to the script for tests. Y_Less
const Some SA-MP natives don't use "const" when they could. Redefine the natives. Y_Less
VEHICLES The vehicle models IDs are not defined by default. Define them. stuntman
GetPlayerWeather This function doesn't exist. Add it. IstuntmanI ziggi Disabled By Default
GetWeather This function doesn't exist. Add it. IstuntmanI ziggi Disabled By Default
GetWorldTime This function doesn't exist. Add it. ziggi Disabled By Default
GetServerVarAsString Crashes on unknown string variables. Read the file manually. Y_Less Link
GetServerVarAsInt Crashes on unknown int variables. Read the file manually. Y_Less Link
GetServerVarAsBool Crashes on unknown boolean variables. Read the file manually. Y_Less Link
GetServerVarAsFloat Doesn't even exist. Read the file manually. Y_Less Link
tabsize Some people still use tabsize 0. Break the pragma. Y_Less Link
OnRconCommand Is not called in the gamemode unless first called in a filterscript. Load a minimal (embedded) FS to bootstrap it. Y_Less
OnClientCheckResponse Is not called in the gamemode ever. Load a minimal (embedded) FS to bootstrap it. Y_Less
GetMaxPlayers If this is > MAX_PLAYERS, can cause OOBs in code. Constrain it; but also warn because that doesn't really help. Y_Less
BypassDialog You can type commands and move while in dialogs. Return 0. Y_Less
SetTimer Valid timers can return ID 0. Recreate them and kill the original. Y_Less
main Gamemodes without this function give a console error. Make a stub version. Y_Less
OnVehicleSpawn Colour -1 isn't synced. Manually control the colours. Y_Less
AttachTrailerToVehicle When trailerid is equal to vehicleid and passenger is in vehicleid, it starts spinning. Check if trailerid and vehicleid are equal. Mergevos
GetVehicleComponentInSlot The function doesn't work for CARMODTYPE_STEREO. Both front bull bars and front bumper components are saved in the CARMODTYPE_FRONT_BUMPER slot. If a vehicle has both of them installed, this function will only return the one which was installed last. Both rear bull bars and rear bumper components are saved in the CARMODTYPE_REAR_BUMPER slot. If a vehicle has both of them installed, this function will only return the one which was installed last. Hook functions and store components. This uses some code from vSync library. Mergevos
API isn't intended to extend the SA:MP API, but has a lot of information internally that can be useful to other scripts. By not exposing this data, we complicate and bloat scripts by requiring them to re-implement said functionality. Expose the data, behind a tightly controlled API. Y_Less
floatfract Incorrect on negative numbers. Use floatround and subtraction. MuthaX Link
strfind The function is prone to OOB access when the search start index is negative. Clamp it to 0. Daniel-Cortez Link
strdel The function is prone to OOB access when the index of the first character to remove is negative. Clamp it to 0. Daniel-Cortez Link
CallLocalFunction Isn't defined in NPC modes. Write a pawn version using funcidx. Y_Less
deconst Un-const-correct - uses const but shouldn't. Redefine it without, plus a len default. Y_Less
Streamer_RemoveIntData Int data functions expect more parameters than they specify. Pass a hidden fake one if the version is right. Y_Less Link
Streamer_HasIntData Int data functions expect more parameters than they specify. Pass a hidden fake one if the version is right. Y_Less Link
default Many functions are missing default values for string lengths. Add them. Y_Less
limit_tags Some limits, like MAX_MENUS are untagged, so can't be used properly. Redefine them with the tags added. Y_Less
bool_tags Many true/false parameters use 1/0 with no bool: tag. Add the tag. Y_Less
TEXT_DRAW_ALIGN The alignment modes for TextDrawAlignment are not defined by default. Define them. Y_Less
TEXT_DRAW_FONT The fonts for TextDrawFont are not defined by default. Define them. Y_Less
GetPlayerKeys GetPlayerKeys and OnPlayerKeyStateChange don't actually deal with "keys", but "actions". The defines don't correspond to real keyboard inputs, but bound game commands. This is one of the biggest sources of confusion, even amongst intermediate coders. Rename the functions to use Action instead of Key and deprecate the old ones. Y_Less
FORCE_SYNC The sync modes for ApplyAnimation are not defined by default. Define them. Y_Less
address_naught When there are internal code errors that result in the wrong address being written to, more often than not that write clobbers whatever value is in address naught (0x00000000). While we can't stop all the bad address writes there are two things we can do. Enable the anonymous automata, which is always at address naught, and never use it so that bad writes don't break something else, and enable address naught write detection in crashdetect. Note that this will have to be disabled if you use the anonymous automata. Y_Less
main2 main isn't called in filterscripts. Call it. Y_Less
npcmodes There's no way to specify NPC modes in server.cfg. Read npcmodes from the file ONCE and load them automatically. Y_Less
fgetchar2 Has an extra value parameter. Remove it. Y_Less
memcpy The index is meant to be an index in to source (in bytes) for where to read the data from; however, it is treated as an index (in bytes) for where to write the data to in dest. Copy two cells with an offset to a temporary buffer, copy the rest of the data to the next cell in the destination, then save the high cell of the temporary storage. Y_Less
ispacked Returns false when the string is packed and starts with a symbol with code 128 and above. Daniel_Cortez, VVWVV
SHA256 Is not good for using for passwords. Deprecate it. Y_Less

A few fixes are disabled by default, to enable them all do:

#define FIX_GetPlayerDialog 1
#define FIX_file_inc 1
#define FIX_random 1
#define FIX_HideMenuForPlayer_2 1
#define FIX_GameTextStyles 1
#define FIX_GetPlayerWeather 1
#define FIX_GetWeather 1
#define FIX_GetWorldTime 1


There are a few settings for improved execution of this script. Define these symbols as 1 before you include to explicitly enable them, 0 to explicitly disable them.

Note that options are which fixes to include, and settings are more over-arching customisations.


Like the enhanced SA:MP includes ( upgrades many natives and callbacks to use more tags for better compile-time errors. These can be a little annoying to adapt your code to at first, but in the long run provide far more safety and information. Like the SA:MP includes there are WEAK_TAGS and STRONG_TAGS, but unlike there the default is none, i.e. most tags will simply be _: unless you're using the consistency overhaul includes as well. The one major exception to this is bool:, which has been added by default to many parameters which were previously _: but only accepted 0/1 and thus should have been false/true. This is the bool_tags fix and affects the following natives:

You can also see several additional tags in those definitions, such as OBJECT_MATERIAL_SIZE: but as stated they are optional.

If you are using WEAK_TAGS or STRONG_TAGS there is a minor problem - callbacks give an error:

forward OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, PLAYER_STATE:newstate, PLAYER_STATE:oldstate);

public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)

This gives an error, when it should be fine. Fixing it in a mode is easy - just use the correct tags on the variables in the callbacks. Fixing it in a generic library needs a few extra lines to define a default tag when one isn't found (i.e. the user isn't using the improved includes):

#if !defined PLAYER_STATE
    // Use the default tag (none, `_:`) when the improved includes aren't found.
    #define PLAYER_STATE: _:
public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, PLAYER_STATE:newstate, PLAYER_STATE:oldstate)
    return Hooked_OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate);

// Don't forget to use ALS as normal.
forward Hooked_OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, PLAYER_STATE:newstate, PLAYER_STATE:oldstate);

Keys And Actions

"Keys" have been renamed "Actions" because they aren't keys and the name constantly confused everyone. You can't detect "F" you can only detect "JUMP". You can't make any assumptions about which keys are bound to which actions. You can't ask players to press a specific key (except when using "~k~" in strings, which maps actions back to keys). You can't detect specific keys. No matter how many times this is explained the follow-up questions are invariably, "OK, but how do I detect this key?" You can't, and never could. Thus GetPlayerKeys has been replaced by GetPlayerActions, OnPlayerKeyStateChange has been replaced by OnPlayerActionStateChange, newkeys and oldkeys have been replaced by newactions and oldactions, and KEY has been replaced by ACTION (leading to the interestingly named macro ACTION_ACTION from KEY_ACTION):

// The `ACTION` tags are optional.
public OnPlayerActionStateChange(playerid, ACTION:newactions, ACTION:oldactions)
    GetPlayerActions(playerid, actions, updown, leftright);
    return 1;

API includes a lot of data and processing that is required for it to function, but could be useful for other scripts - things like vehicle meta-data, current status of players, and more. While new functions are not the primary goal of this include, it seems silly to keep this information hidden when it can be used, forcing people to duplicate functionality just to do things like get a player's current dialog ID for example. The general rule is still not to add new functions, there are many other libraries for that; but if the data already exists thanks to the code being required for a fix, then it might as well be exposed.

Most of these additional functions are controlled by FIX_API, and can be tested for with FIXES_API, but some older ones have their own FIX_ definition (which now defaults to FIX_API).


Gets the default colour assigned to a player when they first connect. There are only 100 unique colours, which are repeated:

new colour = GetDefaultPlayerColour(playerid);
printf("The player's colour is %x", colour);

Note that you can also use the alias GetDefaultPlayerColor.


Get the number of seats in the given vehicle type (model).

new seats = GetVehicleSeats(400);
printf("The landstalker has %d seats", seats);

bool:VehicleCanHaveComponent(modelid, componentid)

Returns true if the given vehicle type (model) can use the given component (mod) type.

if (VehicleCanHaveComponent(536, 1005))
    printf("The Blade can have the fury scoop");
    printf("The Blade cannot have the fury scoop");

bool:IsValidAnimationLibrary(const snimlib[])

Returns true if the named animation library exists.

if (IsValidAnimationLibrary("parkour")
    printf("`parkour` is a valid animation library");
    printf("`parkour` is not a valid animation library");

bool:GetRandomCarColPair(modelid, &colour1, &colour2, &colour3 = 0, &colour4 = 0)

Gets a random pair of colours for a vehicle (three vehicles have four colours), according to the predefined colour options in carcols.dat. These are the colours selected from when -1 is used as the colour of a vehicle (but the colours chosen are not synced by default).

new c1, c2;
GetRandomCarColPair(495, c1, c2);
printf("Colours chosen for the Sandking: %d, %d", c1, c2);

Note that the values returned are the COLOUR INDEXES, those passed to say CreateVehicle, they are not the HEX codes for the given colours.


Get's the currently displayed dialog ID for a player.

new dialogid = GetPlayerDialog(playerid);
printf("Player %d is viewing dialog %d", playerid, dialogid);


Get's the current weather ID for a player.

new weatherid = GetPlayerWeather(playerid);
printf("Player %d currently has weather %d", playerid, weatherid);


Get's the current server global weather.

new weatherid = GetWeather();
printf("The server currently has weather %d", weatherid);


Get's the current server global weather.

new time = GetWorldTime();
printf("The time on the server is currently %02d:00", time);


Resets the world boundaries to their maximum, after using SetPlayerWorldBounds.


GetPlayerWorldBounds(playerid, &Float:x_max, &Float:x_min, &Float:y_max, &Float:y_min)

Gets the world boundaries for a player, set by SetPlayerWorldBounds.

GetPlayerWorldBounds(playerid, x_max, x_min, y_max, y_min);
printf("Player %d's world boundaries are at (%.2f, %.2f) - (%.2f, %.2f)", x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max);


Hide this type of gametext for all players.


HideGameTextForPlayer(playerid, style)

Hide this type of gametext for one player.

HideGameTextForPlayer(playerid, 3);


Does this player have auto-incrementing time enabled?

if (PlayerHasClockEnabled(playerid))
    printf("Time might have changed.");


Is the given menu ID valid?

if (IsMenuValid(menuid))
    printf("The menu was created at some point.");

CarColIndexToColour(index, alpha = 0xFF)

Convert from a vehicle colour index to an RGBA colour (with the specified alpha).

new c1, c2;
GetRandomCarColPair(495, c1, c2);
printf("Colours chosen for the Sandking: %08x, %08x", CarColIndexToColour(c1), CarColIndexToColour(c2));

Note that you can also use the alias CarColIndexToColor.


Other code and includes can test for certain symbols, to see what is defined and what isn't. These all use basic #if defined checks, with no need to test the value:

Other Fixes

There are a few other includes which aim to fix issues too large to be included here:

New Features is not intended to add new features; however, it does add a few and detractors think it is funny to point to those as a good reason why the library is bad. The reason why is simple - they were added before the exact scope and definition of "fix" was determined. New features are not added any more, but existing features that were already added (most notably the new game text styles) are left in because removing them is more breaking than having them. Yes, they exist; no, they probably shouldn't; no, they wouldn't be added today; no, they won't be removed.


Originally Posted by Y_Less :

[This] is beta software written by a small team in their spare time, thus it has bugs (as does all software). This software is explicitly designed to solve bugs, not cause them, but there may still be bugs.

The most likely cause of bugs is certain combinations of disabled fixes. Some fixes are inter-mixed and while they SHOULD work when the fixes they are combined with are disabled, not every combination has been tested. There are literally billions of possible combinations - if you find one that doesn't compile or work, please tell us.


The file is fairly well documented, with a list of the currently (hopefully) fixed bugs at the top. If you know of others, or have solutions for others, it would be greatly appreciated if you could post them as issues on this repository. The fixes also need extensive testing to find bugs in the fixes themselves.

Again, this is a community project, merely managed by Y_Less and others - if anyone has comments, contributions, criticisms etc. please again post them as issues on the repository. This includes additions to source code, documentation, presentation, translations (mainly of this documentation - multiple versions of the include should be avoided to reduce fragmentation), or any other related area you can think of.

Style Rules

 * <remarks>Information about fix here</remarks>
 * <fixes>NameOfFixHere</fixes>

// No other ALS hook of this function much exist before here.
#if _FIXES_SAMP && defined _ALS_NameOfFixHere
    #error _ALS_NameOfFixHere defined
native BAD_NameOfFixHere(params) = NameOfFixHere;

 * <remarks>Information about fix here</remarks>
 * <fixes>NameOfFixHere</fixes>

#if FIX_NameOfFixHere
    stock FIXES_NameOfFixHere(params)
        return 0;

    // The trailing `(` is VERY important to keep future `native X() = Y;`s working.
    #if _FIXES_SAMP
        #define _ALS_NameOfFixHere
        #define NameOfFixHere( FIXES_NameOfFixHere(

    // This is not normal ALS, because must come first.
    #define _ALS_NameOfFixHere__
    #define NameOfFixHere__( FIXES_NameOfFixHere(

A copyable version of this pattern is at the end of the file.

 * <fix name="NameOfFixHere" disabled="true" fixed="version">
 *     <problem>
 *         A description of the problem.
 *     </problem>
 *     <solution>
 *         A description of the solution.
 *     </solution>
 *     <see>FIXES_FunctionWithFixIn</see>
 *     <author href="">Name</author>
 *     <post href="" />
 * </fix>

#if !defined FIX_NameOfFixHere
    #if defined NativeInFixRelease
        #if FIXES_EnableDeprecated
            static _FIXES_STOCK FIX_NameOfFixHere = FIXES_EnableDeprecated;
        #define FIX_NameOfFixHere                FIXES_EnableDeprecated
        static _FIXES_STOCK FIX_NameOfFixHere = _FIXES_DEFAULT;
        #define FIX_NameOfFixHere                _FIXES_DEFAULT
#elseif _FIXES_IS_UNSET(FIX_NameOfFixHere)
    #undef FIX_NameOfFixHere
    static stock FIX_NameOfFixHere = 2;
    #define FIX_NameOfFixHere                    (2)
#elseif FIX_NameOfFixHere
    #undef FIX_NameOfFixHere
    static stock FIX_NameOfFixHere = 1;
    #define FIX_NameOfFixHere                    (1)
    #undef FIX_NameOfFixHere
    static stock FIX_NameOfFixHere = 0;
    #define FIX_NameOfFixHere                    (0)

This only includes this fix if that native doesn't exist. A copyable version of this pattern is at the end of the file.

Documentation Explanation

The code itself now contains all of the documentation in its header, formatted using the compiler's natively supported pawn-doc, plus some custom XSL. Previously and the header had to be kept in sync manually. Now you can just compile a script with -r and get a large amount of XML documentation, including all of this header in a <library></library> pair. The repository comes with a file called markdown.xsl that, when saved as pawno/xml/pawndoc.xsl, will transform that XML to markdown to keep fully up-to-data almost automatically.

The descriptions of the fixes all look like:

<fix name="Short Name" disabled="true" fixed="Optional server version of official fix where applicable">
    Description of problem.
        Description of solution.
    <see>Relevant functions.</see>
    <author href=" address of their profile">Person who wrote the fix</author>
    <post href=" link to the original post where applicable." />


A huge thanks to all the community members that have reported and fixed bugs, this include would not be anywhere near the level of quality it is right now without all of you. Fix writers are all listed above by their contributions. Fix reporters can be seen by browsing the github issues. A special thanks also to @ziggi for hosting this repo for a long time.