paxfeline / rifftube-v2

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rake start


An attempt at documentation:

User Options table columns:

t.float "auto_duration_word_rate", default: 0.4 When auto-determining the duration to display a riff, how many seconds should be allocated per word. t.float "auto_duration_constant", default: 0.5 When auto-determining the duration to display a riff, a constant number of seconds to add. t.integer "avatar_mode", default: 1 0: No avatars displayed 1: Avatars pop up as the riff plays 2: "Theater mode", the avatars are all visible the whole time. t.boolean "always_speak_text", default: false n/t t.string "default_voice" Default speech voice (JSON containing voice, rate, and pitch) t.boolean "pause_to_riff", default: true Pause the video when starting to riff? t.boolean "play_after_riff", default: true Play the video upon closing riff dialog? (Only applicable if pause_to_riff is true) t.boolean "immediate_save", default: false Automatically saves the riff and closes the riff dialog upong releaseing the key This may seem odd, but might be used by people who want to riff quickly and then go back and tweak things t.integer "threshold_mode" TODO: Add default (0) 0: Only users who meet the requirements'* riffs play/display 1: All users' riffs play/display 2: Special options (wait to implement) t.string "thresholdoptions" JSON containing special theshold options (TBD) t.datetime "created_at", null: false t.datetime "updated_at", null: false

isText means "is text only" (i.e. no recorded audio)

edit riff form:

use audio: isText speak

show text? show = t/f

duration (under advanced): auto-duration = t/f

"use recorded [or synthesized] audio" (isText = false [or speak = true]) will set auto-duration = true

if "use no audio" is chosen (i.e. radio button clicked, or 't' is pressed instead of 'r'), then "show text" (showText) will be set to true (though it can be de-selected)

isText = false -> auto-duration = true, speak = false (show = t/f) isText = true, speak = false -> show = true (auto-duration = t/f) isText = true, speak = true -> auto-duration = true (show = t/f)

To restore the db from a dump:

heroku pg:backups:restore '' DATABASE_URL --app rifftube-ruby --confirm rifftube-ruby


psql: \c rifftube drop database rifftube; create database rifftube;

shorter: rake db:drop db:create

pg_restore -O -d rifftube /Users/davidnewberry/Downloads/052f5925-6965-4c43-af03-27a54c07f8fa rake db:migrate

no longer needed! :) psql: \c rifftube alter table users drop constraint users_email_unique;

ffmpeg command to concat two files w/ 5s of silence between

ffmpeg -i riff530.mp3 -i riff531.mp3 -filter_complex "aevalsrc=exprs=0:d=5[silence], [0:a] [silence] [1:a] concat=n=3:v=0:a=1[outa]" -map [outa] out.mp3

current node v


api endpoints

server.get('/api-status', (req, res) => { res.status(200).json({ api: 'running', updated: '5.29' });


// return given riff's audio data server.get('/load-riff/:id', (req, res) => { res.status(200).send(;

Change to: /riffs/:id

// delete riff server.delete('/riff-remove/:id', (req, res) => { res.status(204).end();

Change to: /riffs/:id

// sets the "riffer name" for a given user'/set-name', (req, res) => { data: { newName }, res.status(200).json({ status: 'ok', name: body.newName, user_id })

Change to: PATCH /user/:id/name
    newName to name

// returns the riffs of a current user for a given video'/get-riffs/:videoID', (req, res) => { res.status(200).json({ status: 'ok', // meaningless (to computers) body: riffList, name, user_id: uID, });

Change to: GET /riffs?video_id=xxx&user_id=self
    "self" or some other constant can refer to the logged in user

// update riff time.'/update-riff-time', (req, res) => { .then(() => res.status(200).json({ status: 'ok', type: 'edit' }))

Change to: PATCH /riffs/:id[?fields=start]

// save riff does as it name suggests.'/save-riff', upload.single('blob'), (req, res) => { .then(() => res.status(200).json({ status: 'ok', type: 'edit' }))

Change to: POST/PATCH /riffs[/:id]

// get view riffs essentially returns riff meta for a video. server.get('/get-view-riffs/:videoID', (req, res) => { res.status(200).json({ status: 'ok', body: => ({ ...el, video_id: videoID })), timestamp:, });

Change to: GET /riffs?video_id=xxx
    No user_id means return all riffs

// get info for account page server.get('/get-user-data/:token', (req, res) => { res.status(200).json({ status: 'ok', userid, name: riffer, body, });


    Status 200:
        "body" => riffs,
        "status" => "ok",
        "user_id" -- Depricating
    Status: 401 Unauthorized

Change to: GET /users/self

// get info for public profile server.get('/get-user-data-by-id/:id', (req, res) => res.status(200).json({ status: 'ok', name, body });

Change to: /users/:id

// get global video list server.get('/get-global-video-list', (req, res) => res.status(200).json({ status: 'ok', body });


    Status 200:
        "body": Array of riff metadata
        "status": "ok"
        "user_id" -- Depricating

// get riffer pic const default_pic = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'default_pic.png')); server.get('/get-riffer-pic/:id', (req, res) => if (pic === null) res.status(200).send(default_pic); else res.status(200).send(pic);

TODO: send default pic

// save pic does as it name suggests.'/save-pic', upload.single('image'), (req, res) => res.status(200).json({ status: 'ok', user_id })

May 2 - Considering using iframe for riff editing The extension can't load external code, but can load an iframe with an external site Can't pass in audio recorder object, but maybe able to allow recording in iframe using allow attribute

Welcome letter:

Thanks for signing up for RiffTube!

Your participation is what RiffTube is all about. As a fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and RiffTrax -- which RiffTube is 100% not affiliated with -- I always dreamed of adding my voice to the choir. And there is so much out there just begging to be riffed! So I hope you add your voice and humor, wit, wisdom, or "other".

You retain complete ownership and control over the riffs, and all other content, you may create. You can choose to remove or edit your riffs on RiffTube at any time, and RiffTube will never sell your work or personal information.

Because of how RiffTube works, it is possible for a person to download any riff (much like anyone can download images from the web), though RiffTube provides no convenient method to do so.

I hope you enjoy using RiffTube. I look forward to see what we all create together.

See you out there! -David Newberry Benevolent Dictator for Life