payfort / fort-android-sdk

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FORT Android SDK


The FORT Mobile SDK allows Merchants to securely integrate the payment functions. It also allows Merchants to easily accept In-App payments. Instead of the traditional, time-consuming, and complex way of being redirected to the mobile browser to complete the payment, In-App payments can be completed through our FORT Mobile SDK. In turn, this gives the Merchant’s consumers a smooth, pleasing user-experience by using In-App payment functions through the native applications.

Before you start the integration

Read through the following steps first to understand how the integration process works. This will help you to understand why these steps are required and why you need to follow a specific sequence.

Step 1: Access your test account

You need to make sure that you have access to a test account with Amazon Payment Services. It is a full test environment that allows you to fully simulate transactions.

Step 2: Choose between a standardized or custom payment UI

The Amazon Payment Services Android SDK provides you with a standard payment UI that you can use to quickly integrate in-app payments. The standard UI offers limited customizability.

Alternatively, you can choose to build your own payment UI using Amazon Payment Services Android SDK building blocks, we describe this in the section on custom-coding a payment processing UI.

Step 3: Make sure that you are using the correct integration type

Prior to building the integration, you need to make sure that you are selecting and using the proper parameters in the API calls as per the required integration type. All the mandatory parameters are mentioned under every section in the API document

Step 4: Install the Amazon Payment Services Android SDK in your development environment

You need to add the repositories to your build file and add the SDK to your build.gradle, also setting the correct Android permissions.

Step 5: Create a test transaction request

You need to create a test transaction request. Processing a valid API request depends on transaction parameters included, you need to check the documentation and read every parameter possible to reduce the errors in processing the transaction.

Step 6: Process a transaction response

After every payment, Amazon Payment Services returns the transaction response on the URL configured in your account under Technical Settings, Channel Configuration.

For more details check the transaction feedback instructions. You need to validate the response parameters returned on this URL by calculating the signature for the response parameters using the SHA response phrase configured in your account under security settings.

Step 7: Test and Go Live

You can use our test card numbers to test your integration and simulate your test cases. The Amazon Payment Services team may need to test your integration before going live to assure your application integration.

Installing the Mobile SDK

These are the first steps you need to follow to integrate the Amazon Payment Services Android SDK into your Android application.

Installing the Android Mobile SDK

You need to complete two steps to install the Amazon Payment Services Android SDK.

Step 1

First, you need to add the repository to your build file. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url }

Step 2

Add the Add fortSDK to your build.gradle dependencies using this code:

apply plugin: '' 
android { ... } 
dependencies {
    transitive = true

Setting Android OS permissions

You need to set the following two permission so that the Android mobile SDK works properly:

< uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
< uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

Getting Started

In order to start using FORT Android SDK you need to have an account on the FORT , click here to follow the instructions.

The process to work with APS Android SDK Plugin is:

Create SDK token

Android mobile SDK token URLs These are the URLs you need to use when you request a mobile SDK token for your Android app:

Test Environment URL

Production Environment URL

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d

For more information refer SDK Token.

Standard Checkout Implementation

You can use the standard Amazon Payment Services Android SDK interface to display a standard payment UI screen. This option is customizable in two ways -- you can hide the loading screen, and some of the UI elements can be customized. We address standard UI customization options in this section.

1: Define a Callback Manager

Define and initialize an instance of the FortCallBackManager in your activity as follows:

private FortCallBackManager fortCallback= null;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    if (fortCallback == null)
        fortCallback = FortCallback.Factory.create();

2: Attach the Callback to the Activity

You need to add the following statement to the onActivityResult function as follows:

@Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent  data){  
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode,  data); fortCallback.onActivityResult(requestCode,resultCode,data);

3: Call the Android Mobile SDK and Collecting the Android SDK request

The below code registers a new callback for a new request. The registerCallBack requires the following inputs:

public void registerCallback(
        Activity context, final FortRequest fortRequest, String
        environment, final int requestCode, final FortCallBackManager callbackManager, boolean   showLoading, final
        FortInterfaces.OnTnxProcessed callback)

The Java model/ bean of the Android Mobile SDK request is as follows:

public class FortRequest implements Serializable {
    private Map<String, Object> requestMap;
    private boolean showResponsePage;

    public Map<String, Object> getRequestMap() {

    public void setRequestMap(Map<String, Object> requestMap) {
        this.requestMap = requestMap;

    public boolean isShowResponsePage() {
        return showResponsePage;

    public void setShowResponsePage(boolean showResponsePage) {
        this.showResponsePage = showResponsePage;

4: Initiate a checkout request: For every transaction that needs to be processed, do the following call and handle the callback methods upon your business flow:

Example for register callback:

FortSdk.getInstance().registerCallback(this,fortRequest,5,fortCallback, showLoading,new
    FortInterfaces.OnTnxProcessed() {
    @Override public void onCancel (Map < String, Object > requestParamsMap, Map < String, Object > responseMap)

    @Override public void onSuccess (Map < String, Object > requestParamsMap, Map < String, Object > fortResponseMap)

    @Override public void onFailure (Map < String, Object > requestParamsMap, Map < String, Object > fortResponseMap)

Standard checkout UI sample code

Below we include a complete sample code section illustrating the full checkout process when you use the standard checkout UI. The sample includes capturing payment card data, initializing the Amazon Payment Services Android SDK, submitting payment card data and processing a transaction.

public class PayFortSdkSample extends Activity {
    private FortCallBackManager fortCallback = null;
    String deviceId = "", sdkToken = "";

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

     // create Fort callback instance
        fortCallback = FortCallback.Factory.create();

        // Generating deviceId
        deviceId = FortSdk.getDeviceId(PayFortSdkSample.this);
        Log.d("DeviceId ", deviceId);

        // prepare payment request
        FortRequest fortrequest = new FortRequest();
        fortrequest.setShowResponsePage(true); // to [display/use] the SDK response page
        // execute payment request callSdk(fortrequest);

    private Map<String, Object> collectRequestMap(String sdkToken) {
        Map<String, Object> requestMap = new HashMap<>();
        requestMap.put("command", "PURCHASE");
        requestMap.put("customer_email", "");
        requestMap.put("currency", "SAR");
        requestMap.put("amount", "100");
        requestMap.put("language", "en");
        requestMap.put("merchant_reference", "ORD-0000007682");
        requestMap.put("customer_name", "Sam");
        requestMap.put("customer_ip", "");
        requestMap.put("payment_option", "VISA");
        requestMap.put("eci", "ECOMMERCE");
        requestMap.put("order_description", "DESCRIPTION");
        requestMap.put("sdk_token", sdkToken);
        return requestMap;

    private void callSdk(FortRequest fortrequest) {

        FortSdk.getInstance().registerCallback(PayFortSdkSample.this, fortrequest,
                FortSdk.ENVIRONMENT.TEST, 5, fortCallback, new FortInterfaces.OnTnxProcessed() {
                    public void onCancel(Map<String, Object> requestParamsMap, Map<String, Object> responseMap) {
                        Log.d("Cancelled ", responseMap.toString());
                    public void onSuccess(Map<String, String> requestParamsMap, Map<String, Object> fortResponseMap) {    //TODO: handle me
                        Log.i("Success ", fortResponseMap.toString());
                    public void onFailure(Map<String, String> requestParamsMap,
                                          Map<String, Object> fortResponseMap) {
                        Log.e("Failure ", fortResponseMap.toString());



    public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
        fortCallback.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);


For more information about Standard Implementation refer Standard Checkout Implementation.

Custom Checkout Implementation

Alternatively, you can choose to build your own payment processing UI by custom-coding an in-app payment processing feature. With this mobile SDK feature we allow Amazon Payment Services merchants to integrate and implement a native app checkout experience without displaying a default payment screen.

Using this integration method your customers can securely enter their payment card details on a fully customized merchant checkout landing page using the your customized payment UI.

Stage 1: Generate an SDK token You need to generate an SDK token before you can start processing payments using your custom payment processing UI. Refer to the SDK token section earlier in this document for instructions on creating an SDK token.

Stage 2: Creating the card components You create your custom payment screen by using the following five components included in the Amazon Payment Services Android SDK:

Table of components The Android Mobile SDK allows merchants to securely integrate the payment functions through Custom Components:

FortCardNumberView (Check CardBrand,CardNumber)

CardCvvView (Check if cvv match cardBrand)

CardExpiryView (Check date)


PayfortPayButton (Collect data from previous Components)

Card components

   < com.payfort.fortpaymentsdk.views.FortCardNumberView

    < com.payfort.fortpaymentsdk.views.CardExpiryView
                    app:boxBackgroundShape="outline" />

                < com.payfort.fortpaymentsdk.views.CardCvvView
                    app:boxBackgroundShape="outline" />

       < com.payfort.fortpaymentsdk.views.CardHolderNameView
                app:boxBackgroundShape="outline" />

Stage 3: Initiate the actual payment.

Responsible for collecting card data from Card Components above and Submit Successful payment with simple Few steps also it's had the capability to do Direct Pay without needs for Card Components

    < com.payfort.fortpaymentsdk.views.PayfortPayButton

PayfortPayButton Methods

 * Responsible for Save token or not
 * @param isRememberMe Boolean
fun isRememberMeEnabled(isRememberMe: Boolean)

 * Update Request After doing Setup
 * @param fortRequest FortRequest
fun updateRequest(fortRequest: FortRequest)

 * this Setup used with Pay with Full Components from outside SDK
 * @param environment String
 * @param request FortRequest
 * @param payComponents PayComponents
 * @param payFortCallback PayFortCallback
fun setup(environment: String,
          request: FortRequest,
          payComponents: PayComponents,
          payFortCallback: PayFortCallback)

 * this Setup used with DirectPay only
 * @param environment String
 * @param request FortRequest
 * @param payFortCallback PayFortCallback?
fun setup(environment: String,
          request: FortRequest,
          payFortCallback: PayFortCallback?)

Sample Code

In this example we explain how to use PayfortPayButton with Card Components in the custom UI screen.


//You Need to Create PayComponents Object that holds all Card Components
val payComponents = PayComponents(etCardNumberView, cvvView = etCardCvv, etCardExpiry, holderNameView = cardHolderNameView)

//then you need to Create FortRequest via FortRequest.class
val fortRequest= FortRequest() // fill all the parameters required 

//then you need to choose the environment Via FortSdk.ENVIRONMENT it's contains TEST and PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTS 
val  environment=  FortSdk.ENVIRONMENT.TEST

// Finally you need to decleare a PayFortCallback 
var callback=  object : PayFortCallback {
    override fun startLoading() {   }
    override fun onSuccess(requestParamsMap: Map<String, Any>, fortResponseMap: Map<String, Any>) {}
    override fun onFailure(requestParamsMap: Map<String, Any>, fortResponseMap: Map<String, Any>) { }

btnPay.setup(environment, fortRequest, payComponents, callback)


//You Need to Create PayComponents Object that holds all Card Components
PayComponents payComponents = new PayComponents(etCardNumberView,  etCardCvv, etCardExpiry,  cardHolderNameView);

//then you need to Create FortRequest via FortRequest.class
FortRequest fortRequest = new FortRequest(); // fill all the parameters required 

//then you need to chsose the environment Via FortSdk.ENVIRONMENT it's contains   TEST and PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTS
String environment = FortSdk.ENVIRONMENT.TEST;

// Finally you need to decleare a PayFortCallback 
PayFortCallback callback = new PayFortCallback() {
    public void startLoading() { }
    public void onSuccess(@NotNull Map<String, ?> requestParamsMap, @NotNull Map<String, ?> fortResponseMap) { }
    public void onFailure(@NotNull Map<String, ?> requestParamsMap, @NotNull Map<String, ?> fortResponseMap) { }

    btnPay.setup(environment, fortRequest, payComponents, callback)

For more information about the custom checkout implementation refer here.