pbogut / openhab-ewpesmart-binding

OpenHAB binding for EWPE Smart powered devices (Gree, Sinclair, etc)
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airconditioners binding ewpesmart-binding gree openhab-binding openhab2 openhab2-binding sinclair

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

EWPESmart Binding

This binding allows you too add EWPESmart Air Conditioners as things (Gree, Sinclair, maybe others as well). Once added as a thing, the user can control the Air Conditioner, similarly to how the Air Conditioner is controlled using the remote control or smartphone app.

Note : The EWPESmart Air Conditioner must already be setup on the wifi network and must have a fixed IP Address.

Supported Things

This binding supports one Thing type: EWPEAirCon.


Experimental discovery is implemented, to trigger it manually follow these steps:

Thing Configuration

Currently can only be set up via thing-file. ipAddress and broadcastIp are required, refresh is optional (by default 2 seconds).


The following channels are supported:

channel type description
power Switch Power on/off the Air Conditioner
mode Number Sets the operating mode of the Air Conditioner
Mode: Auto: 0, Cool: 1, Dry: 2, Fan: 3, Heat: 4
turbo Switch Set on/off the Air Conditioner's Turbo mode.
light Switch Enable/disable the front display on the Air Conditioner
temp Number Sets the desired room temperature
tempSensor Number Shows the room temperature
swingVertical Number Sets the vertical swing action on the Air Conditioner
Full Swing: 1, Up: 2, MidUp: 3, Mid: 4, Mid Down: 5, Down: 6
windSpeed Number Sets the fan speed on the Air conditioner
Auto:0, Low:1, MidLow:2, Mid:3, MidHigh:4, High:5
air Switch Set on/off the Air Conditioner's Air function
dry Switch Set on/off the Air Conditioner's Dry function
health Switch Set on/off the Air Conditioner's Health function
powerSave Switch Set on/off the Air Conditioner's Power Saving function

Full Example


Thing ewpesmart:EWPEAirCon:000001 "AirCon" @ "Hall Way" [ ipAddress="", broadcastIp="", refresh=2 ]


Switch AirconPower                         { channel="ewpesmart:EWPEAirCon:000001:power" }
Number AirconMode                          { channel="ewpesmart:EWPEAirCon:000001:mode" }
Switch AirconTurbo                         { channel="ewpesmart:EWPEAirCon:000001:turbo" }
Switch AirconLight                         { channel="ewpesmart:EWPEAirCon:000001:light" }
Number AirconTemp "Temperature [%.1f °C]"  { channel="ewpesmart:EWPEAirCon:000001:temp" }
Number AirconRoomTemp "Room Temp[%.1f °C]" { channel="ewpesmart:EWPEAirCon:000001:tempSensor" }
Number AirconTempSet                       { channel="ewpesmart:EWPEAirCon:000001:temp" }
Number AirconSwingVertical                 { channel="ewpesmart:EWPEAirCon:000001:swingVertical" }
Number AirconFanSpeed                      { channel="ewpesmart:EWPEAirCon:000001:windSpeed" }
Switch AirconAir                           { channel="ewpesmart:EWPEAirCon:000001:air" }
Switch AirconDry                           { channel="ewpesmart:EWPEAirCon:000001:dry" }
Switch AirconHealth                        { channel="ewpesmart:EWPEAirCon:000001:health" }
Switch AirconPowerSaving                   { channel="ewpesmart:EWPEAirCon:000001:powerSave" }


sitemap demo label="Demo Sitemap" {
  Frame label="Controls"
     Switch item=AirconPower label="Power" icon=switch
     Switch item=AirconMode label="Mode" mappings=[0="Auto", 1="Cool", 2="Dry", 3="Fan", 4="Heat"]
     Setpoint item=AirconTemp label="Set temperature" icon=temperature minValue=16 maxValue=30 step=1
  Frame label="Fan Speed"
     Switch item=AirconFanSpeed label="Fan Speed" mappings=[0="Auto", 1="Low", 2="Medium Low", 3="Medium", 4="Medium High", 5="High"] icon=fan
  Frame label="Fan-Swing Direction"
     Switch item=AirconSwingVertical label="Direction" mappings=[0="Off", 1="Full", 2="Up", 3="Mid-up", 4="Mid", 5="Mid-low", 6="Down"] icon=flow
  Frame label="Options"
     Switch item=AirconTurbo label="Turbo" icon=fan
     Switch item=AirconLight label="Light" icon=light
     Switch item=AirconAir label="Air" icon=flow
     Switch item=AirconDry label="Dry" icon=rain
     Switch item=AirconHealth label="Health" icon=smiley
     Switch item=AirconPowerSaving label="Power Saving" icon=poweroutlet


Most of the initial code was taken from jllcunha/openhab-greeair-binding.


Always welcome.


The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind.