© Fisheries and Oceans Canada (2005-2023)
PBSmodelling provides software to facilitate the design, testing, and operation of computer models. It focuses particularly on tools that make it easy to construct and edit a customized graphical user interface (GUI). Although it depends heavily on the R interface to the Tcl/Tk package, a user does not need to know Tcl/Tk. The package contains examples that illustrate models built with other R packages, including PBSmapping, deSolve, PBSddesolve, and BRugs.
This site assists developers in tracking and resolving bugs and other issues. Users of PBSmodelling should obtain the current release from standard R repositories, such as CRAN.
PBSmodelling represents just one of a series of R packages developed at the Pacific Biological Station (PBS) in Nanaimo, British Columbia. A more advanced version of PBSmodelling might be available at pbs-software on GitHub. Any evolving package (Windows binary and source tarball) is built after using CRAN's rigorous R CMD check --as-cran
routine (on a Windows 7 64-bit system) and posted to Google Drive. Most of the time, the revision on GitHub can be built in R using devtools::install_github("pbs-software/pbs-modelling/PBSmodelling")
; however, not every revision has been checked for CRAN worthiness.
Maintainer: Rowan Haigh