The main entry point for the PMPS UI is the
This display takes a macro called CFG
which specify the prefix for the
configuration file to be loaded, e.g. LFE_config.yml.
By default to ensure backwards compatibility, if one launches the
without specifying macros, the LFE
configuration is loaded and the screen is
To launch a different configuration do:
pydm -m "CFG=KFE"
The configuration file provides information to render properly the screen and expand the number of Fast Faults and Preemptive Requests displayed without the need to modify other files or have a custom screen for each line.
Here is an example of a configuration file:
# This is the prefix to be used for the arbiter
line_arbiter_prefix: "PMPS:KFE:"
# This is the undulator Kicker Rate PV provided by the Accelerator
undulator_kicker_rate_pv: "IOC:BSY0:MP01:BYKIKS_RATE"
# This is the URL to the Grafana dashboard to be displayed
dashboard_url: "http://ctl-logsrv01:3000/ctl/grafana/d/PRr2cuGGz/k-pmps-events?viewPanel=2&orgId=1&refresh=10s&kiosk"
# fastfaults is an array of fast faults to be configured.
- prefix: "PMPS:KFE:"
ffo_start: 1
ffo_end: 2
ff_start: 1
ff_end: 50
# preemptive_requests is an array of Preemptive Requests to be configured
- prefix: "PMPS:KFE:"
arbiter_instance: "Arbiter:01"
assertion_pool_start: 0
assertion_pool_end: 20