pcdshub / pmps-ui

User interfaces and diagnostics for PMPS
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PMPS - User Interface

The main entry point for the PMPS UI is the pmps.py file. This display takes a macro called CFG which specify the prefix for the configuration file to be loaded, e.g. LFE_config.yml.

By default to ensure backwards compatibility, if one launches the pmps.py file without specifying macros, the LFE configuration is loaded and the screen is launched.

To launch a different configuration do:

pydm -m "CFG=KFE" pmps.py

Configuration File

The configuration file provides information to render properly the screen and expand the number of Fast Faults and Preemptive Requests displayed without the need to modify other files or have a custom screen for each line.

Here is an example of a configuration file:

# This is the prefix to be used for the arbiter
line_arbiter_prefix: "PMPS:KFE:"
# This is the undulator Kicker Rate PV provided by the Accelerator
undulator_kicker_rate_pv: "IOC:BSY0:MP01:BYKIKS_RATE"
# This is the URL to the Grafana dashboard to be displayed
dashboard_url: "http://ctl-logsrv01:3000/ctl/grafana/d/PRr2cuGGz/k-pmps-events?viewPanel=2&orgId=1&refresh=10s&kiosk"

# fastfaults is an array of fast faults to be configured.
  - prefix: "PMPS:KFE:"
    ffo_start: 1
    ffo_end: 2
    ff_start: 1
    ff_end: 50

# preemptive_requests is an array of Preemptive Requests to be configured
  - prefix: "PMPS:KFE:"
    arbiter_instance: "Arbiter:01"
    assertion_pool_start: 0
    assertion_pool_end: 20