pchaumet / IF-DDA

electromagnetic scattering in three dimensions
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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

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The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow
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By default, the code compiles without FFTW and HDF5. A custom FFT library is used. It is single processor. If you have FFTW installed, type: qmake-qt4 "CONFIG+=fftw" or qmake-qt5 "CONFIG+=fftw" following the qt version you have before make.

if you have 4 processors, export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 before launching the code.

It is compiled in parallel and hence, needs to have on the computer openmp (version 4.5 at least). beware that if you use the parallel version, if you have a core dump issue, the main reason may be the stack size. Use the instructions (on LINUX system). ulimit-s unlimited

If you want to use HDF5, type: qmake-qt4 "CONFIG+=fftw hdf5" or qmake-qt5 "CONFIG+=fftw hdf5" make

Notice that the code can be installed without the graphical interface. Go to the directory tests, and then write ./comp (or /compfftw or ./compfftwhdf5 depending on the packages installed), then in the four test directories four executables each are created corresponding to four different configuration. It is quite clear that to change the configuration you need to open the file main.f and change the options inside the fortran, which is more tiedous than with the interface. graphic.

Linux installation:

The application is based on Qt-4 (or Qt-5 for recent system) and gfortran

To install it on Fedora (take a look into .gitlab-ci.yml in cas), first you need to:

1) install the Qt packages as root: dnf install qt* qt-devel

2) install gcc-c++ and gfortran as root dnf install gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran

3) Install all the packages FFTW dnf install fftw*

4) Install hdf5 dnf install hdf hdf5 hdf5-static hdf5-devel

1) 2) 3) 4) on Ubuntu system you need to do: sudo apt install build-essential sudo apt install qt4-qmake (or qt5-qmake) sudo apt install gfortran sudo apt install libqt4-dev (or libqt5-dev) sudo apt install fftw* sudo apt install libhdf5-dev

5) at root directory qmake-qt4 "CONFIG+=fftw hdf5" for qt4 or qmake-qt5 "CONFIG+=fftw hdf5" for qt5 make make install

To run the application: cd bin ./cdm

If you get Segmentation fault (core dumped), please fix it with $ulimit -s unlimited

Windows installation:

The application is based on Qt and MinGW and OpenGL

To build and install it, you need to:

1) install the Qt (5.0 or higher) with OpenGl and MinGW options including the QtCreator IDE

2) Open cmd_install.pro file in the root directory with QtCreator.exe

3) Build full project. You can run the executable cdm.exe directly from QtCreator.

4) To run the application in stand-alone, you need to deploy it along with a few runtime libraries. For example if you built with Qt 5.3 (OpenGL included) and MinGW-4.8.2 option, the list of dll (in the Qt and MinGW-4.8.2 lib subdirectories) that have to be present in the same directory as cdm.exe: icudt52.dll icuin52.dll icuuc52.dll libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll libgfortran-3.dll libquadmath-0.dll libstdc++-6.dll libwinpthread-1.dll Qt5Core.dll Qt5Gui.dll Qt5OpenGL.dll Qt5PrintSupport.dll Qt5Sql.dll Qt5Svg.dll Qt5Widgets.dll