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KT--> How to setup Maven build Configuration & Advantages of Using Maven #6

Closed ccsyen96 closed 3 years ago

ccsyen96 commented 3 years ago

How to setup "Maven build" on "Run Configuration..." image

Reference Link : https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Using+the+Maven+plugin+for+Eclipse

3 Advantages of Using Maven

Better debugging --> Maven repositories enable the source code of an artifact to be published alongside the artifact's JAR. Eclipse IDE helps developers to import source code automatically, allowing debuggers to check the code and analyse the behaviors of artifact.

Reduced duplication --> Maven projects should make use of a project object model (POM) hierarchy to reduce the duplication that is common in Ant projects. Rather than making each project generate an Ant build.xml that manages all of the specifics of configuring Sonar resources, such configuration will take place in a Maven parent POM that child projects inherit from.

Better dependency management --> When it comes to dependency management, Maven outperforms Ant. As an example, developers don't have to think about transitive dependencies with Maven. If project relies on library A, simply add a direct dependency on A and let A deal with its own dependencies.

Reference Link : http://www.kyleblaney.com/benefits-of-maven-over-ant

ccsyen96 commented 3 years ago
