pcyuen98 / covidAngular

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  1. Architect Enterprise Applications with Jakarta EE (Microservices with Spring Boot) - 15-19 March
  2. Developing Applications for the Jakarta EE Platform (Angular and Single Page Application) - 25 - 31 March
  3. Java Performance Tuning and Optimization (Java Collection Class, Web Services, performance Tuning) - 1 - 7 April

5 DAYS Developing Applications for the Jakarta EE Platform (Angular and Single Page Application)

1) To integrate with JEE Microservices course

2) Practical with a modern JavaScript framework which is TypeScript

3) Be a FullStack Developer

4) To build an application with live example which is integration with Covid API services - https://covid-19-apis.postman.com/

5) Debugging and Troubleshooting skill as FullStack Developer

Manual A - Configure Your Environment


Manual B - Practical Guide


Assessment, writing code and Test


Application HTTP URL

Angular Home http://localhost:4200/home

Meeting Link


Practical SpreadSheet


Link to Covid API


What is new in Angular 11
