pd-externals / earplug

binaural filter based on KEMAR impulse measurement for Pd
GNU General Public License v2.0
14 stars 1 forks source link


Realtime binaural filter (HRTF) based on KEMAR impulse measurement

Pei Xiang, summer 2004
Revised in fall 2006 by Jorge Castellanos
Revised in spring 2009 by Hans-Christoph Steiner to compile in the data file
Updated in 2020-2021 by Dan Wilcox & Chikashi Miyama

GPL v2


earplug~ is a binaural filter based on KEMAR impulse measurement which allows you to spatialize a sound in realtime. It basically takes the KEMAR dummy head data set, and interpolates 368 locations where HRTF measurement exists in a spherical surface. You get azimuth 0 - 360 degrees and elevation -40 - 90 degrees.


This is a pure C external and can be compiled simply with:



To load this external in Pd, include the directory containing the following files in your Pd search paths:

HRIR Data Set

On creation, earplug~ will try to load an HRTF impulse response data set found in a "earplug_data.txt" file located in the same directory as the calling patch. If this file is not found, earplug~ will use an default data set compiled into the object. This impulse response set basically describes the "ear model" that is used by the convolution algorithm to filter the audio.

To use your own ear model, you need an HRTF data set prepared as a 3D array of 368x2x128 float values. See the format of earplug_data.txt as a basis for making your own file and is based on the compact set of measurements of the KEMAR dummy head microphone from:


To embed a custom data set, use the parse-to-h.py Python script with your IR data which will overwrite the default binary data in earplug_data.h:

./parse-to-h.py custom_data.txt

To disable compiling the default data set into the external, define EARPLUG_NO_DATA_EMBED:


Note: If the default data set is not embedded, an "earplug_data.txt" file is required, otherwise the external will output silence.



On Jan 31, 2005, at 5:05 PM, Pei Xiang wrote:

hey, marc, actually i've just written one external that handles this, [earplug~] http://crca.ucsd.edu/~pxiang/research.htm it basically takes the KEMAR data set, and interpolates 366 locations where HRTF measurement exists in a spherical surface. you get azimuth control 0-360 and elevation -40 - 90.

now i'm still trying to clean it up a little bit, but probably have to use by copy the data.txt file into the default search dir of Pd, for the moment.

cheers, Pei

--- metafor wrote:

just wondering, is there a puredata object or abstraction existing for the "head related transfer function"?

or other externals which work with spacialisation of sounds, preferably for headphones.

thanks marc