pd-externals / pduino

[arduino] abstraction and tests (improved version)
GNU General Public License v2.0
35 stars 2 forks source link

pduino - interface Pd with the world easily

[arduino] connects Pd to a real Arduino board and lets you control its pins, thus enabling Pd to interact with the physical world. You don't even need any C++ skills, you just need to load the Firmata firmware onto your board. [arduino] is a Pd implementation of the Firmata protocol as documented on:


[arduino-gui] is graphical faksimile of the most common board layout used by Leonardo, Uno, Duemilanove, Diecimila, NG (and probably others). Any user interaction with its pins is translated to direct commands to the board. Similarly, pin states and state changes are represented graphically. It should get you started quickly without having to look up all available commands first.




How to load the Firmata firmware onto the board: