Initialize a new conda environment (e.g., using Python 3.9).
Activate the conda environment by executing the command in your terminal:
$ conda activate <conda-env-name>
Install pytorch by executing the command below:
$ python -m pip install torch==1.8.2+cu111 torchvision==0.9.2+cu111 torchaudio==0.8.2 -f
and HuggingFace datasets
using the requirements.txt
, by
executing the following command:$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: In the outline above, we assume you are have CULDA TOOLKIT 11. You will
have to update the version in step 2 accordingly, in case your version differs.
Moreover, note that since allennlp
version 2.5.0 requires pytorch 1.8, we
opt for pre-installing that version in our environment.
$ allennlp train training_config/qasper_eqqa.jsonnet -s data/qasper_models --include-package quality_estimation