pdebartol / Santorini

Server-Client implementation of the board game "Santorini" by Cranio Creations
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Santorini Board Game

Santorini is a highly accessible pure-strategy game where you play as a youthful Greek God or Goddess competing to best aid the island's citizens in building a beautiful village in the middle of the Aegean sea.


Personal Data Username Email
Di Gennaro Marco @marcoDige marco1.digennaro@mail.polimi.it
De Bartolomeis Piersilvio @pierobartolo piersilvio.debartolomeis@mail.polimi.it
Di Maio Alessandro @aledimaio alessandro1.dimaio@mail.polimi.it

Implemented functionality

Functionality State
Basic rules GREEN
Complete rules GREEN
Socket GREEN
Multiple games GREEN
Advanced Gods GREEN

Instructions for build and execution:

The jar is the same for both server and client. You can build it under your preferred OS and launch it following the instructions below. The project has been developed using JAVA 13 and JavaFX 14. The following terminals have been tested for the CLI: WSL (Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian), Windows Terminal and iTerm.

Build instructions:

The jar is built using "Maven Shade Plugin": inside the IntelliJ IDE, clone the repository and launch "install" under "lifecycle" section in the Maven toolbar. The generated jar will be placed in the "shade" folder of your project.

If you want to use Maven in the terminal, you can execute:

mvn install

In the project's root folder (same folder of "pom.xml"). The generated jar will be placed in the "shade" folder of your project.

Execution instructions:


In terminal execute:

java -jar AM10.jar -server

The server will be listening on the default port 1234.

If you would like to change the port:

java -jar AM10.jar -server PORT

Where you can replace PORT with your preferred port number. Example: java -jar AM10.jar -server 8080


To launch the game on the command line interface (CLI) make sure your terminal is in fullscreen mode, then execute:

java -jar AM10.jar -client -cli

To launch the program with the graphical user interface (GUI), double-click on the jar (on Ubuntu 20.04 first make sure to mark as executable the jar file). You can also execute in the terminal:

java -jar AM10.jar -client -gui

or simply:

java -jar AM10.jar
