pdebuyl / FET_Proposal

Anonymized FET proposal template from OpenDreamKit
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====== README

This template is based on the proposal files of OpenDreamKit <https://github.com/OpenDreamKit/OpenDreamKit>, using LaTeX-proposal <https://github.com/KWARC/LaTeX-proposal/>.

It is set for the FET-Open program and has been cleared of any personal and/or project-specific references. The git history has been deleted to avoid carrying about 100MB of project-specific data.

What you need to do

As a participant:

. Create a file CVs/..tex, starting from CVs/template.tex

. Read the description <http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/calls/h2020-fetopen-2014-2015-ria.html>_ of the call.

. Read the whole proposal.pdf file. Fix typos directly. Look for

WRITE HERE comments with your initials, and implement them.
Comment on the mailing list for other suggestions.

As leader of a workpackage

Edit the file WorkPackages/.tex.

See WorkPackages/template.tex for further instructions.

As leader of a participating institution:

. Send to PAR1P1 the PIC for your institution:


. Create a file Participants/.tex, starting from Participants/template.tex

. Check that the file is included in participants.tex, section Members of the Consortium

. Double check the file participants.tex

Compiling the proposal

Compiling the proposal

Use the Makefile

make -B draft


make -B final

And you will get a draft.pdf resp. final.pdf file. You can also just compile the proposal by hand as a usual LaTeX file:

pdflatex proposal.tex

LaTeX syntax


\begin{task}[id=portability,title=Portability] ... \end{task}

You can use the \localtaskref{portability} inside the same work package to reference this task or \taskref{management}{portability} outside (assuming that the task is in a \begin{workpackage}[id=management] There are macros \localtasktref and \tasktref that also add the title.


\begin{wpdeliv}[due=48,id=final-mgt-rep,dissem=R,nature=PU] {Project Final Report} The final report will a summary of all things in the project \end{wpdeliv}

There is a title (in the {}) and - optionally - a text (a couple of lines) that further describes the deliverable. The nature of the deliverable should be specified using one of the following codes::

R = Report, P = Prototype, D = Demonstrator, O = Other

The dissemination level should be specified using one of the following codes::

PU = Public
PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services).
RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services).
CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services).


If you need to add a bibTeX data base foo.bib, please commit it, and add a line \addbibresource{foo.bib} near the other ones at the top of proposal.tex. We are using biblatex.sty because it is more versatile.