pdestefanis / ACT

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==New installation:==

  1. Run the sql file database.sql:

$ mysql -p -u[user] -e "create database database_name" $ mysql -p -u[user] database_name < install/database.sql

  1. In Apache; enable rewrite_module (/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf) if it is not enabled yet:

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so

  1. Edit install/act_apache.conf, replacing 'act' with the actual installation directory in your web server's DocumentRoot Optionally, edit the listener configuration to enable a remote SMS gateway to direct messages to this server

  2. Copy the configuration file install act_apache.conf to Apache's configuration dir (/etc/httpd/conf.d), with a name that identifies your instance (e.g. my_act.conf)

$ sudo cp install/act_apache.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/my_act_install.conf

  1. Get apache to reload its configuration:

$ sudo service httpd reload

  1. Edit app/webroot/.htaccess-default and adjust the path on the RewriteBase command

$ cp app/webroot/.htaccess-default app/webroot/.htaccess $ vi app/webroot/.htaccess

  1. Create and Edit app/webroot/index.php

$ cp app/webroot/index.php-default app/webroot/index.php $ vi app/webroot/index.php

Find this line: define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', DS . 'var' . DS . 'www' . DS . 'html' . DS . 'my_act_install_dir');

And replace the name of the default installation directory, if needed.

  1. Configure the database options

$ cp app/config/database.php-default app/config/database.php $ vi app/config/database.php

  1. Configure the program options (even if you keep the defaults, you need to copy options.php-default to options.php)

$ cp app/config/options.php-default app/config/options.php $ vi app/config/options.php

  1. Select a listener script to process incoming messages. This files assumes a particular format for posting MT messages using the SMS gateway provider's API, and to parse MO messages coming from the API which LIKELY WILL HAVE TO BE CHANGED DEPENDING ON YOUR PROVIDER. The default setup assumes Clickatell as the provider.

$ cp listener/http_post_listener.php-default listener/http_post_listener.php $ vi listener/http_post_listener.php

In http_post_listener.php:

modify $processor variable to point to the correct SMS message processor (parser). The default should work.

  1. Set permissions to files and directories, the easiest way is executing:

$ ./install/fix_permissions.sh

  1. Change passwords (see below for default passwords)

  2. In ProcessSMS.php change the URL for the API and the username/passward necessary to connect ot the API

==Update an existing installation: ==

  1. Find the schema version of your installation


  1. Run the sql update files from your current version to the latest version:

$ mysql -p -u[user] < install/dbupdate_v[current]_v[next].sql

To be completed...

==Default accounts and passwords==

admin: adminpass moderator: modpass user: userpass