pdir / contao-survey

Contao extension to create questionnaires and run online surveys
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Original Package

Latest Version on Packagist Installations via composer per month Installations via composer total Issue Resolution time Open issues


A contao bundle to create online surveys. Supports multiple choice questions, openended questions, matrix questions and constant sum questions. Surveys can be run as anonymized or personalized surveys for specific members. Anonymized surveys can limited to TAN access only to run a representative survey.

Survey results are available as cumulated and detailed results with an option to export the results.

Exports will be in csv format. If the bundle hschottm/contao-xls-export is installed, exports will be in Excel xls format, if the bundle phpoffice/phpspreadsheet is installed, exports will be in Excel xlsx format.

A special thanks goes to Georg Rehfeld for his development of the detailed survey export and the enhancements of the survey tool.

Installation and Usage

Features from 3.6.0

Notification Center support was added with version 3.6.0. Also, some new Notification Center tokens and new fields have been added.

The following NC tokens have been added:

For these tokens a German and an English translation is currently implemented.

The generation of TANs has been completely revised and the call of some TAN-related actions has been better secured.

When the NC is installed, notifications can be used for specific surveys.

A simple template for an invitation

Copy and paste them into your notification.

We would like to invite you to participate in the following survey: ##survey_title##

the following tokens can be used:

survey_title: ##survey_title##
survey_link: ##survey_link##
survey_duration: ##survey_duration##
survey_recipient_email: ##survey_recipient_email##
survey_recipient_firstname: ##survey_recipient_firstname##
survey_recipient_lastname: ##survey_recipient_lastname##
survey_recipient_fullname: ##survey_recipient_fullname##`

A new surveyDuration field has been added. Now it is possible to include the estimated duration (in minutes, max 255 min) of a survey. Either it is estimated or the survey creator determines the duration during a self-test.


Font Awesome

The full suite of pictographic icons, examples, and documentation can be found at: https://fontawesome.com/ The license file for font awesome is included in this package under LICENSE_FONT_AWESOME


Made with contributors-img.

Notes for developers

Run before commit

vendor/bin/ecs check src tests
vendor/bin/phpstan analyse
vendor/bin/phpunit --colors=always

Test your changes using the survey tables included in the package.

With version 3.4.3 we have added survey tables to the package to allow consistent testing. You can find the tables in the reference-survey.sql file in the _misc folder. So if you want to test the behavior of your changed code in a reproducible way, please use these tables.

If you make changes to the survey tables, please commit them also to the reference-survey.sql so developers can test their own code against this reference survey.

Load the tables into your DB and activate Survey 1, which consists of five question pages and one results page. For now, you'll need to manually load these tables into your DB, but we're working on automating the tests a bit more.

The question pages cover all the questions that the package currently offers. The results page shows the results of the question pages. Currently, however, there are unfortunately still errors on the results page.