ARiiP: integrate everything
ARiiP is a barebones framework for deploying custom automated, real-time, data integration & interoperability platforms.
Note: The full ARiiP experience requires two additional components. Redis and Sentry. Redis is used to improve the content change detection cache performance, and Sentry is used to capture miscellaneous events during execution. Both of these tools can be freely downloaded and deployed.
Clone or download ARiiP code from GitHub
Configure your database, services, mail, Redis and Sentry settings
config/application.yml # copy from config/application.sample.yml
Run Rails bundler (watch out for gem install errors)
bundle install
Create and load database
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
Run on rails
rails s
Initiate the tasks (on a distinct shell, check delayed_job documentation)
rake jobs:work
# daemon solution
RAILS_ENV=production ruby bin/delayed_job start -n 3