pduobert / wordpress-job-manager

Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/wordpress-job-manager
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=== Job Manager === Contributors: pento Donate link: http://pento.net/donate/ Tags: jobs, job, manager, list, listing, employer, application, board Requires at least: 2.9 Tested up to: 3.0 Stable tag: trunk

A job listing and job application management plugin for WordPress.

== Description ==

A plugin for managing job lists and job applications on your WordPress site. It supports all the features you need to manage your organisation's job openings.

Do you speak a language other than English? Do you have time to translate some strings? If so, I'd love to hear from you!

Related links:

== Installation ==

Job Manager Requires:

= The Good Way =

  1. In your WordPress Admin, go to the Add New Plugins page
  2. Search for: job manager
  3. Job Manager should be the first result. Click the Install link.

= The Old Way =

If you use this method, please remember to Deactivate/Activate Job Manager between upgrades, to ensure that the upgrade routines are run properly.

  1. Upload the plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

= The Living-On-The-Edge Way = (Please don't do this in production, you will almost certainly break something!)

  1. Checkout the current development version from http://wordpress-job-manager.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/
  2. Subscribe to the update feed to be notified of changes

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How do I setup a custom application form? =

For a full description of how to use the application form customization features, please read this page in the documentation.

= DOCX files don't download properly =

Apache's mod_mime_magic doesn't recognise docx file type properly, and older versions of Apache don't have docx in their mime.types file. You should update your copy of Apache to something more recent, or (if you're unable to update or turn off mod_mime_magic) create a .htaccess file as described here.

= I can't upload DOC files in WordPress MultiSite =

In your WordPress MultiSite admin, go to Site Admin->Options. Update the "Upload File Types" option to include the various extensions (doc, docx, pdf, odt) that people are likely to upload their resume with.

= When I create a new site in WordPress MultiSite, Job Manager doesn't work on the new site =

This is a known problem with WordPress not activating plugins correctly when a new site is created. Please install the Proper Network Activation plugin as a workaround.

== Other Plugin Support ==

Job Manager supports added functionality when other plugins are installed. If you think your plugin could add some functionality to Job Manager, please submit a feature request.

= Google XML Sitemaps =

Job Manager will add all of your job lists and job detail pages to your sitemap, when Google XML Sitemaps is installed on your site.


If you want a CAPTCHA on your Application Form, install the SI CAPTCHA plugin.

== Credits ==

= Translations =

Notice the version number in brackets. This is the version series that the translation is up-to-date with. If that version series is lower than the current release, you can still use the translation, there just may be some strings that still show in English. If you'd like to add your own language, or help keep an existing language up-to-date, please contact me!

= Special Thanks =

Print Icon courtesy of VisualPharm, under a CC BY-ND license.

== Changelog ==

= 0.7.12 =

= 0.7.11 =

= 0.7.10 =

= 0.7.9 =

= 0.7.8 =

= 0.7.7 =

= 0.7.6 =

= 0.7.5 =

= 0.7.4 =

= 0.7.3 =

= 0.7.2 =

= 0.7.1 =

= 0.7 =

= 0.6.6 =

= 0.6.5 =

= 0.6.4 =

= 0.6.3 =

= 0.6.2 =

= 0.6.1 =

= 0.6 =

= 0.5.4 =

= 0.5.3 =

= 0.5.2 =

= 0.5.1 =

= 0.5 =

= 0.4.8 =

= 0.4.7 =

= 0.4.6 =

= 0.4.5 =

= 0.4.4 =

= 0.4.3 =

= 0.4.2 =

= 0.4.1 =

= 0.4.0 =