pdw-mb / tsmart_ha

Support for Tesla T-Smart thermostats in Home Assistant
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home-assistant t-smart

Tesla T-Smart thermostat Home Assistant integration

This repository provides a custom component for enabling a Tesla T-Smart immersion heater thermostat to be used with Home Assistant.

This is a community developed and maintained project, and is not supported or endorsed by Tesla (UK) Ltd.


You can install the component using either the HACS add-on or manually.

HACS Installation


This component is available as a default repository in HACS. To enable it:

Manual Installation

Discover thermostats

After restarting Home Assistant:

At present, thermostats that are not available when the integration is loaded (either initially, or when Home Assistant restarts) won't be discovered. If you need to add thermostats, or thermostats are not detected during a Home Assistant restart, you should use the "Reload" option on the "..." menu for the integration.